Legal Status of Women in Iowa eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Legal Status of Women in Iowa.

Legal Status of Women in Iowa eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Legal Status of Women in Iowa.
Where a policy is made payable to the assured or his legal representatives, the proceeds of the policy will pass to the administrator of his estate, and will be paid to the wife and children, but no part can be distributed to other heirs.  If the assured leaves a wife or husband and no children, the entire proceeds of the policy will go to the wife or husband, and after they have passed into the hands of the beneficiary, they will not be subject to execution for the payment of his or her debts, provided they do not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars.

A wife is not her husband’s “legal heir” and the entire proceeds of a policy or certificate of insurance made payable to the assured or his “legal heirs” will go to the children of the deceased.

[Sidenote:  Allowance to widow and children.]

The court shall if necessary, set off to the widow and children under fifteen years of age, of the decedent, or to either, sufficient of the property of such kind as it shall deem appropriate to support them for twelve months from the time of his death. [Sec.3579.] The allowance to the widow takes priority over all other claims against the estate, and should be paid immediately.  If the widow and children have no other means of support the allowance may be made though the estate is insolvent.  It is no part of the dower interest, but is a separate and distinct right which may be made in addition to dower, or even in cases where by contract made before marriage, all rights to dower and inheritance have been relinquished.  Real estate may be sold if necessary, where the personal property is not sufficient to provide for the allowance to the widow and children, and the widow may claim the allowance although there are no children, and she may have property of her own, if the income of such property is not sufficient for her support.

[Sidenote:  Expenses of funeral.]

As soon as the executors are possessed of sufficient means, over and above the expenses of administration, they shall pay off the charges of the last sickness and funeral of deceased. [Sec.3622.]

[Sidenote:  Allowance.]

They shall, in the next place, pay any allowance which may be made by the court for the maintenance of the widow and minor children. [Sec.3623.]

After the funeral expenses and the allowance to the widow and children have been paid, the claims against the estate will be discharged in the order provided by law, after which, the balance of the property, devised by will after all expenses of administration have been paid, will be distributed to the different legatees.

[Sidenote:  Descent and distribution.  Personal property.]

The personal property of the deceased, not necessary for the payment of debts, nor otherwise disposed of as hereinbefore provided, shall be distributed to the same persons and in the same proportions as though it were real estate. [Sec.3640.] A husband cannot, by will, deprive his wife of her share in his personal estate, after his death, but he may dispose of it during his lifetime in any manner he may choose.

Project Gutenberg
Legal Status of Women in Iowa from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.