Legal Status of Women in Iowa eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Legal Status of Women in Iowa.

Legal Status of Women in Iowa eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Legal Status of Women in Iowa.

[Sidenote:  Natural guardian removed.]

Upon complaint being made to the district court of the proper county, verified by affidavit, that the father or mother of a minor child is from habitual intemperance and vicious and brutal conduct, or from vicious, brutal and criminal conduct toward said minor child, an unsuitable person to retain the guardianship and control the education of such child, the court may, if it find the allegations in the complaint manifestly true, appoint a proper guardian for the child, and may if expedient, also direct that said child be bound as an apprentice to some suitable person until he attains his majority.  But nothing herein shall be so construed as to take such minor child if the mother be a proper guardian. [Sec.3492.]

The same proceedings may take place and a like order be made, when the mother, who for any cause became the guardian of her minor child, is in like manner found to be manifestly an improper person to retain such guardianship. [Sec.3493.]

[Sidenote:  Schooling and treatment of minors.]

The master shall send said minor child, after the same be six years old, to school at least four months in each year, if there be a school in the district, and at all times the master shall clothe the minor in a comfortable and becoming manner. [Sec.3497.]

[Sidenote:  Adoption of children.  Who may adopt.]

Any person competent to make a will is authorized in manner hereinafter set forth, to adopt as his own the minor child of another, conferring thereby upon such child all the rights, privileges and responsibilities which would pertain to the child if born to the person adopting, in lawful wedlock. [Sec.3498.]

[Sidenote:  Consent of parents or officer.]

In order thereto, the consent of both parents if living and not divorced or separated, and if divorced or separated, or, if unmarried, the consent of the parent lawfully having the care and providing for the wants of the child, or if either parent is dead, then the consent of the survivor, or if both parents be dead, or the child shall have been and remain abandoned by them, then the consent of the mayor of the city where the child is living, or if not in a city, then the clerk of the district court of the county where the child is living, shall be given to such adoption, by an instrument in writing signed by the parties or party consenting, and stating the names of the parents, if known, the name of the child, if known, the name of the person adopting such child, and the residence of all, if known, and declaring the name by which such child is hereafter to be called and known, and stating also that such child is to be given to the person adopting, for the purpose of adoption as his own child. [Sec.3499]

[Sidenote:  Instrument acknowledged and recorded.]

Project Gutenberg
Legal Status of Women in Iowa from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.