Legends of the Madonna eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 431 pages of information about Legends of the Madonna.

Legends of the Madonna eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 431 pages of information about Legends of the Madonna.

3.  In the Vatican is the Coronation attributed to Raphael.  That he designed the cartoon, and began the altar-piece, for the nuns of Monte-Luce near Perugia, seems beyond all doubt; but it is equally certain that the picture as we see it was painted almost entirely by his pupils Giulo Romano and Gian Francesco Penni.  Here we have the tomb below, filled with flowers; and around it the twelve apostles; John and his brother James, in front, looking up; behind John, St. Peter; more in the background, St. Thomas holds the girdle.  Above is the throne set in heaven, whereon the Virgin, mild and beautiful, sits beside her divine Son, and with joined hands, and veiled head, and eyes meekly cast down, bends to receive the golden coronet he is about to place on her brow.  The Dove is omitted, but eight seraphim, with rainbow-tinted wings, hover above her head.  On the right, a most graceful angel strikes the tambourine; on the left, another, equally graceful, sounds the viol; and, amidst a flood of light, hosts of celestial and rejoicing spirits fill up the background.

Thus, in highest heaven, yet not out of sight of earth, in beatitude past utterance, in blessed fruition of all that faith creates and love desires, amid angel hymns and starry glories, ends the pictured life of Mary, MOTHER OF OUR LORD.


Project Gutenberg
Legends of the Madonna from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.