58. Clavatula striata (n.s.)
Testa ovato-lanceolata turrita albida regulariter spiraliter sulcato-striata transverse et interrupte costata, anfractuum margine superiore angulato subnodoso, cauda brevi, fauce sulcata.
Icon. —
Shell ovate turreted, whitish-brown, with eleven or twelve longitudinal interrupted ribs forming long tubercles on the centre of the whorls; the whorls with distant impressed spiral lines near the suture, with a rather flattened slightly nodulose band; the mouth rather more than one-third the length of the shell; outer lip thin inside, grooved; tail short, with a linear depression on its columella side; axis ten-twelfths, diameter four-twelfths of an inch.
59. Cassis achatina, var. Lam. Hist. 7 226.
A worn specimen, apparently a variety of this species. It is entirely smooth, polished, and has the last whorl near the spire slightly concave, edged with a scarcely raised rather nodulous line, the outer lip is very thick, grooved on its inner edge, and the columella is distinctly plaited.
It may perhaps prove to be a new kind; but the species of this genus are so exceedingly apt to vary, that I do not wish to increase the number of the already too much extended lists of Lamarck and others.
60. Cassis flammea. Lam. Hist. 7 220. Cassidea flammea, Brug. Dict. n. 13. Buccinum flammeum, Lin. Sys. Nat. 1199. Gmel. 3473. Icon. Lister. t. 1004. f. 69. et t. 1005. f. 72. Martini Conch. 2 t. 34. f. 353. 354.
61. Dolium variegatum, Lam. Hist. 7 261. Icon. —
62. Purpura haemastoma, Lam. Hist. 7 238. Buccinum haemastoma, Lin. Syst. Nat. 1202. Gmel. 3483. Icon. Lister. t. 988. f. 48. Martini Conch. 3 t. 101. f. 964, 965.
63. Murex adustus ? Lam. Hist. 7 162. Icon. Seba. Mus. ili. t. 77. f. 9. 10. Martini Conch. 3 t. 105. f. 990, 991.
This shell agrees very well with the description of Lamarck, except that the whole edge of the mouth is of a fine rose-red colour.
64. Tritonium tranquebaricum, n. Triton tranquebaricum, Lam. Hist. 7 189. Icon. Ency. Meth. t. 422. f. 6.
65. Tritonium australe, n.
Triton australe, Lam. Hist. 7 179.
Murex tritonium australe, Chemn. Conch. 11.
Icon. Chemn. 11 t. 194. f. 1867, 1868.
66. Ranella leucostoma, Lam. Hist. 7 150. Icon. —
This shell is very like Triton scobinator, Lam.; and the varices, like it, neither form a complete series, nor are they alternate, so that it does not agree exactly with the characters of either genus.
67. Fusus verrucosus, n. Murex verrucosus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 3557. Icon. Martini. 4 t. 146. f. 1349, 1356.
68. Conus achatinus, Brug. Dict. n. 66. Lam. Hist. 7 480. Icon. Chemn. 10 t. 142. f. 1317. Ency. Method. t. 380. f. 6.
69. Conus puncturatus. Brug. Dict. n. 35. Lam. Hist. 1 460. Icon. Ency. Meth. t. 322. f. 9.