4. Solen truncatus, Wood. Conch.
Solen ceylonensis, Leach, Zool. Misc. 1 22. table
Solen vagina, b. Lam. Hist. 5 451.
Icon. Wood. Conch. t. 26. f. 3. 4.
Ency. Method. t. 222. f. 1.
5. Cardium tenuicostatum, Lam. Hist. 6 5. Icon. —
The shell when perfect is white, with rose-coloured umbones; the rose colour is often extended down the centre of the shell, forming concentric zones.
6. Lucina divaricata, Lam. Hist. 5 541. Tellina divaricata, Gmel. Sys. Nat. 1 3241. Icon. Chemn. Conch. 6 134. t. 13. f. 129.
7. Venerupis galactites, nob. Venus galactites, Lam. Hist. 5 599. Icon. —
The fact of Lamarck having placed in the genus Venus this shell, which a modern conchologist has considered as a variety of Venerupis perforans, shows the very great affinity that exists between those genera.
8. Venus flammiculata ? Lam. Hist. 5 605. Icon. —
This shell is pale yellowish, with irregular, large, distinct, concentric ridges, and distinctly radiated striae; the umbones smooth, polished, orange-yellow; the lozenge lanceolate, purple; the inside golden-yellow; the anterior and posterior dorsal margins purple.
9. Venus tessellata (n.s.) Testa ovato-oblonga, albida, lineis purpureis angulatis picta; sulcis concentricis, ad latus posteriorem lamellatis; marginibus integerrimis. Icon. —
Shell ovate-oblong, white, polished, with rows of square purple spots, forming regular lines, with the points directed toward the back of the shell; covered with many distinct, nearly equal, concentric, smooth ridges; the front part of the ridges somewhat elevated, thin, hinder part distinctly lamellar and much elevated: the lunule subulate, lanceolate; the edge quite entire; umbones with a purple spot; inside white, except on the anterior and posterior dorsal edges, which are purple; length eight-tenths, height six-tenths of an inch.
There are two other specimens of this shell in the Museum which do not agree with any that Lamarck describes; one of these being fourteen-tenths of an inch long, and one inch high, is double the size of Captain King’s specimen; its habitation is not marked, but the other specimen is from Ceylon.
10. Cytherea kingii (n.s.) Testa ovato-cordata, tumida, albida, concentrice substriata, radiata, radiis flavicantibus; lunula lanceolato-cordata; intus albida.
Shell ovate, heart-shaped, white or pale brown, with darker brown rays, each formed of several narrow lines, the umbones white, the edge quite entire; the lunule lanceolate heart-shaped, obscurely defined, the centre rather prominent; inside white, the hinge margin rather broad.
This shell is very like Cytherea loeta, but differs from it in its markings, as well as its outline, which is more orbicular. The specimen given to the Museum by Captain King, is one inch long, and eight-tenths of an inch high; but there is another specimen in the collection, from the Tankerville cabinet (Number 288) which is twice that size.