Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia eBook

Philip Parker King
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 567 pages of information about Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia.

Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia eBook

Philip Parker King
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 567 pages of information about Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia.

115.  Gryllus pictus.  Leach, Zool.  Misc. 1 table 25.

116.  Gryllus regulus (n.s.) G. ferrugineo-fuscus antennis filiformibus nigris, elytris obscure nebulosis, alis fusco-hyalinis, thoracis lateribus postice testaceis, corpore subtus rufo-testaceo, tibiis posticis testaceis spinis dorsalibus rufis apicibus nigris.


117.  Libellula sanguinea (n.s.) L. tota sanguinea alis hyalinis stigmate fulvo nervisque sanguineis, posticis basi flavescentibus.

118.  Libellula oculata.  Fab.  Ent.  Syst. 2 376. 9.

119.  Libellula stigmatizans.  Fab.  Ent.  Syst. 2 375. 8.

120.  Lestes belladonna (n.s.) L. supra viridis subtus albescens pedibus nigris, alis quatuor cultratis macula ad marginem apicalem alba.

121.  Agrion kingii (n.s.) A. capite nigro, fronte corporeque subtus albidis, thorace abdomineque supra fuscis, segmentis abdominalibus nigro alboque annulatis, alis hyalinis stigmate fusco.


122.  Ophion luteum.  Fab.  Syst.  Piez. 130. 1.

Obs.  This seems, according to Fabricius, to be merely a variety of the common European insect.

123.  Liris angulata.  Fab.  Syst.  Piez. 230. 9.

124.  Pompilus morio.  Fab.  Syst.  Piez. 187. 1.

125.  Pompilus collaris.  Fab.  Syst.  Piez. 187. 2.

126.  Alyson tomentosum (n.s.) A. nigro-pubescens abdominis segmentis apice argenteis, alis apice nigricantibus.

127.  Thynnus variabilis.  Leach, manuscripts.  Thynnus dentatus.  Fab.  Syst.  Piez. 231. 1.

128.  Eumenes campaniformis.  Fab.  Syst.  Piez. 287. 10.

129.  Eumenes apicalis (n.s.) E. flava thoracis spatio inter alas segmentique abdominalis secundi parte basali nigris, alis flavis apice fuscis.

130.  Centris bombylans.  Fab.  Syst.  Piez. 358. 19.



131.  Papilio eurypilus.  Linn.  Syst.  Nat. 2 page 754. 49.  Godart.  Enc.  Meth.  Hist.  Nat. 9 45. 61.

Obs.  Captain King found an insect on the north coast of New Holland, which, I think, can only be deemed a variety of P. eurypilus, a species hitherto recorded as inhabiting Java and Amboyna.  This variety is distinguished from the euripilus of Godart by several minute differences.

132.  Papilio macleayanus.  Godart, Enc.  Meth.  Hist.  Nat. 9 47. 65.

133.  Papilio sthenelus (n.s.) P. alis nigris flavo-maculatis posticis dentatis fascia maculaque adjecta flavis, ocello anali rufo lunulae caeruleae submisso.

Obs.  This species is in New Holland what demoleus is in Africa, and epius in India.  It is even difficult to determine whether the three may not be varieties of one species.  If varieties, however, they are certainly permanent according to the above localities, and this species may be easily distinguished from epius, which it most resembles, by the large yellow spot near the middle of the superior margin of the upper wing.  This spot is divided into two in epius and demoleus.  Moreover, the band of the lower wing in P. sthenelus is only attended with one small spot.

Project Gutenberg
Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.