Emb. This is your answer King?
Ant. ’Tis like to prove so.
Dem. Fie, sweet, what makes you here?
Cel. Pray ye do not chide me.
Dem. You do your self much wrong and me.
I feel my fault which only was committed
Through my dear love to you: I have not seen
And how can I live then? I have not spoke to
Dem. I know this week ye have not; I will redeem all. You are so tender now; think where you are, sweet.
Cel. What other light have I left?
Dem. Prethee Celia, Indeed I’le see you presently.
Cel. I have done, Sir: You will not miss?
Dem. By this, and this, I will not.
Cel. ’Tis in your will and I must be obedient.
Dem. No more of these assemblies.
Cel. I am commanded.
1 Ush. Room for the Lady there: Madam, my service—
1 Gent. My Coach an’t please you Lady.
2 Ush. Room before there.
2 Gent. The honour, Madam, but to wait upon you— My servants and my state.
Cel. Lord, how they flock now!
Before I was afraid they would have beat me;
How these flies play i’th’ Sun-shine!
pray ye no services,
Or if ye needs must play the Hobby-horses,
Seek out some beauty that affects ’em:
Nay pray ye spare: Gentlemen I am old enough
To go alone at these years, without crutches.
2 Ush. Well I could curse now: but that will not help me, I made as sure account of this wench now, immediately, Do but consider how the Devil has crost me, Meat for my Master she cries, well—
3 Em. Once more, Sir, We ask your resolutions: Peace or War yet?
Dem. War, War, my noble Father.
1 Em. Thus I fling it: And fair ey’d peace, farewel.
Ant. You have your answer; Conduct out the Embassadours, and give ’em Convoyes.
Dem. Tell your high hearted Masters, they shall not seek us, Nor cool i’th’ field in expectation of us, We’l ease your men those marches: In their strengths, And full abilities of mind and courage, We’l find ’em out, and at their best trim buckle with ’em.
3 Em. You will find so hot a Souldier’s welcome, Sir, Your favour shall not freeze.
2 Em. A forward Gentleman, Pity the Wars should bruise such hopes—
Ant. Conduct em— [Ex. Em. Now, for this preparation: where’s Leontius? Call him in presently: for I mean in person Gentlemen My self, with my old fortune—