Leo. You are peevish
And know not when ye are friended, I have us’d
those means,
The Lady of this house, the noble Lady,
Will take ye as her own, and use ye graciously:
Make much of what you are, Mistris of that beautie,
And expose it not to such betraying sorrows,
When ye are old, and all those sweets hang wither’d,
Enter Servant.
Then sit and sigh.
Zen. My Autumn is not far off.
Leo. Have you told your Lady?
Ser. Yes Sir, I have told her Both of your noble service, and your present, Which she accepts.
Leo. I should be blest to see her.
Ser. That now you cannot doe: she keeps
the Chamber
Not well dispos’d; and has denied all visits,
The maid I have in charge to receive from ye,
So please you render her.
Leo. With all my service, But fain I would have seen.
Ser. ’Tis but your patience; No doubt she cannot but remember nobly.
Leo. These three years I have lov’d this
scornfull Lady,
And follow’d her with all the truth of service,
In all which time, but twice she has honour’d
With sight of her blest beauty: when you please
You may receive your charge, and tell your Lady;
A Gentleman whose life is only dedicated
To her commands, kisses her beauteous hands;
And Faire-one, now your help, you may remember
The honest courtesies, since you are mine,
I ever did your modestie: you shall be near her,
And if sometimes you name my service to her,
And tell her with what nobleness I love her,
’Twill be a gratitude I shall remember.
Zen. What in my poor power lyes, so it be honest.
Leo. I ask no more.
Ser. You must along with me (Fair.)
Leo. And so I leave you two: but a fortune Too happy for my fate: you shall enjoy her.
Scena Secunda.
Enter Zabulon and Servants.
Zab. Be quick, be quick, out with the banquet there, These scents are dull; cast richer on, and fuller; Scent every place, where have you plac’d the musick?
Ser. Here they stand ready Sir.
Zab. ’Tis well, be sure The wines be lusty, high, and full of Spirit, And Amber’d all.
Ser. They are.
Zab. Give fair attendance. In the best trim, and state, make ready all. I shall come presently again. [Banquet set forth. Exit.
2 Ser. We shall Sir,
What preparation’s this?
Some new device
My Lady has in hand.
1 Ser. O, prosper it As long as it carries good wine in the mouth, And good meat with it, where are all the rest?
2 Ser. They are ready to attend. [Musick.
1 Ser. Sure some great person, They would not make this hurry else.