Beaumont & Fletcher's Works (1 of 10) - the Custom of the Country eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Beaumont & Fletcher's Works (1 of 10).

Beaumont & Fletcher's Works (1 of 10) - the Custom of the Country eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Beaumont & Fletcher's Works (1 of 10).

Arn. ’Tis true I love, dearly, and truly love, A noble, vertuous, and most beauteous Maid, And am belov’d again.

Rut. That’s too much o’ Conscience, To love all these would run me out o’ my wits.

Arn. Prethee give ear, I am to Marry her.

Rut. Dispatch it then, and I’le go call the Piper.

Arn. But O the wicked Custom of this Country, The barbarous, most inhumane, damned Custom.

Rut.  ’Tis true, to marry is a Custom I’ the world; for look you Brother, Wou’d any man stand plucking for the Ace of Harts, With one pack of Cards all dayes on’s life?

Arn. You do not Or else you purpose not to understand me.

Rut. Proceed, I will give ear.

Arn. They have a Custom In this most beastly Country, out upon’t.

Rut. Let’s hear it first.

Arn. That when a Maid is contracted And ready for the tye o’th’ Church, the Governour, He that commands in chief, must have her Maiden-head, Or Ransom it for mony at his pleasure.

Rut. How might a man atchieve that place? a rare Custom!  An admirable rare Custom:  and none excepted?

Arn. None, none.

Rut. The rarer still:  how could I lay about me, In this rare Office? are they born to it, or chosen?

Arn. Both equal damnable.

Rut. Me thinks both excellent, Would I were the next heir.

Arn. To this mad fortune Am I now come, my Marriage is proclaim’d, And nothing can redeem me from this mischief.

Rut. She’s very young.

Arn. Yes.

Rut. And fair I dare proclaim her, Else mine eyes fail.

Arn. Fair as the bud unblasted.

Rut. I cannot blame him then, if ’twere mine own case, I would not go an Ace less.

Arn. Fye Rutilio, Why do you make your brothers misery Your sport and game?

Rut. There is no pastime like it.

Arn. I look’d for your advice, your timely Counsel, How to avoid this blow, not to be mockt at, And my afflictions jeer’d.

Rut. I tell thee Arnoldo,
An thou wert my Father, as thou art but my Brother,
My younger Brother too, I must be merry. 
And where there is a wench yet can, a young wench,
A handsome wench, and sooner a good turn too,
An I were to be hang’d, thus must I handle it. 
But you shall see Sir, I can change this habit
To do you any service; advise what you please,
And see with what Devotion I’le attend it? 
But yet me thinks, I am taken with this Custom,

[Enter Charino and Zenocia.

And could pretend to th’ place.

Arn. Draw off a little; Here comes my Mistress and her Father.

Rut. A dainty wench!  Wou’d I might farm his Custom.

Project Gutenberg
Beaumont & Fletcher's Works (1 of 10) - the Custom of the Country from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.