my Friend Sir ANDREW, tho’ for many Years a
great and general Trader, was never the Defendant in
a Law-Suit, in all the Perplexity of Business, and
the Iniquity of Mankind at present: No one had
any Colour for the least Complaint against his Dealings
with him. This is certainly as uncommon, and in
its Proportion as laudable in a Citizen, as it is
in a General never to have suffered a Disadvantage
in Fight. How different from this Gentleman is
Jack Truepenny, who has been an old Acquaintance
of Sir ANDREW and my self from Boys, but could never
learn our Caution.
Jack has a whorish unresisting
Good-nature, which makes him incapable of having a
Property in any thing. His Fortune, his Reputation,
his Time and his Capacity, are at any Man’s
Service that comes first. When he was at School,
he was whipped thrice a Week for Faults he took upon
him to excuse others; since he came into the Business
of the World, he has been arrested twice or thrice
a Year for Debts he had nothing to do with, but as
a Surety for others; and I remember when a Friend
of his had suffered in the Vice of the Town, all the
Physick his Friend took was conveyed to him by
and inscribed, ‘A Bolus or an Electuary for Mr.
Jack had a good Estate
left him, which came to nothing; because he believed
all who pretended to Demands upon it. This Easiness
and Credulity destroy all the other Merit he has;
and he has all his Life been a Sacrifice to others,
without ever receiving Thanks, or doing one good Action.
I will end this Discourse with a Speech which I heard
Jack make to one of his Creditors, (of whom
he deserved gentler Usage) after lying a whole Night
in Custody at his Suit.
’Your Ingratitude for the many Kindnesses
I have done you, shall not make me unthankful for
the Good you have done me, in letting me see there
is such a Man as you in the World. I am obliged
to you for the Diffidence I shall have all the rest
of my Life: I shall hereafter trust no Man
so far as to be in his Debt.’
[Footnote 1: Ludgate was originally built in
1215, by the Barons who entered London, destroyed
houses of Jews and erected this gate with their ruins.
It was first used as a prison in 1373, being then a
free prison, but soon losing that privilege.
Sir Stephen Forster, who was Lord Mayor in 1454, had
been a prisoner at Ludgate and begged at the grate,
where he was seen by a rich widow who bought his liberty,
took him into her service, and eventually married
him. To commemorate this he enlarged the accommodation
for the prisoners and added a chapel. The old
gate was taken down and rebuilt in 1586. That
second gate was destroyed in the Fire of London.
The gate which succeeded and was used, like its predecessors,
as a wretched prison for debtors, was pulled down
in 1760, and the prisoners removed, first to the London
workhouse, afterwards to part of the Giltspur Street