The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,418 pages of information about The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,418 pages of information about The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

First, for Avarice.  The Miser is more Industrious than the Saint:  The Pains of getting, the Fears of losing, and the Inability of enjoying his Wealth, have been the Mark of Satyr in all Ages.  Were his Repentance upon his Neglect of a good Bargain, his Sorrow for being over-reached, his Hope of improving a Sum, and his Fear of falling into Want, directed to their proper Objects; they would make so many different Christian Graces and Virtues.  He may apply to himself a great Part of St. Paul’s Catalogue of Sufferings. In journeying often; in Perils of Water, in Perils of Robbers, in Perils among false Brethren.  In Weariness and Painfulness, in Watchings often, in Hunger and Thirst, in Fastings often,—­At how much less Expence might he lay up to himself Treasures in Heaven; or if I may, in this Place, be allowed to add the Saying of a great Philosopher, he may provide such Possessions, as fear neither Arms, nor Men, nor Jove himself.

In the second Place, if we look upon the Toils of Ambition, in the same Light as we have considered those of Avarice, we shall readily own that far less Trouble is requisite to gain lasting Glory, than the Power and Reputation of a few Years; or, in other Words, we may with more Ease deserve Honour, than obtain it.  The Ambitious Man should remember Cardinal Woolsey’s Complaint.

  ’Had I served God, with the same Application, wherewith I served my
  King, he would not have forsaken me in my old Age.’

The Cardinal here softens his Ambition by the specious Pretence of serving his King:  Whereas his Words in the proper Construction, imply, that if instead of being acted by Ambition, he had been acted by Religion, he should have now felt the Comforts of it, when the whole World turned its Back upon him.

Thirdly, Let us compare the Pains of the Sensual, with those of the Virtuous, and see which are heavier in the Balance.  It may seem strange, at the first View, that the Men of Pleasure should be advised to change their Course, because they lead a painful Life.  Yet when we see them so active and vigilant in quest of Delight; under so many Disquiets, and the Sport of such various Passions; let them answer, as they can, if the Pains they undergo, do not outweigh their Enjoyments.  The Infidelities on the one Part between the two Sexes, and the Caprices on the other, the Debasement of Reason, the Pangs of Expectation, the Disappointments in Possession, the Stings of Remorse, the Vanities and Vexations attending even the most refined Delights that make up this Business of Life, render it so silly and uncomfortable, that no Man is thought wise till he hath got over it, or happy, but in proportion as he hath cleared himself from it.

The Sum of all is this.  Man is made an active Being.  Whether he walks in the Paths of Virtue or Vice, he is sure to meet with many Difficulties to prove his Patience, and excite his Industry.  The same if not greater Labour, is required in the Service of Vice and Folly, as of Virtue and Wisdom:  And he hath this easie Choice left him, whether with the Strength he is Master of, he will purchase Happiness or Repentance.

Project Gutenberg
The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.