The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,418 pages of information about The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,418 pages of information about The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3.
I William Crazy, aged Threescore and seven, having been for several Years afflicted with uneasie Doubts, Fears and Vapours, occasion’d by the Youth and Beauty of Mary my Wife, aged twenty five, do hereby for the Benefit of the Publick give Notice, that I have found great Relief from the two following Doses, having taken them two Mornings together with a Dish of Chocolate.  Witness my Hand, &c.

  For the Benefit of the Poor.

’In charity to such as are troubled with the Disease of Levee- Haunting, and are forced to seek their Bread every Morning at the Chamber Doors of great Men, I A.  B. do testifie, that for many Years past I laboured under this fashionable Distemper, but was cured of it by a Remedy which I bought of Mrs. Baldwin, contain’d in an Half-Sheet of Paper, marked No. 193. where any one may be provided with the same Remedy at the price of a single Penny.

  An infallible Cure for Hypocondriack Melancholys.

    No. 173. 184. 191. 203. 209. 221. 233. 235. 239. 245. 247. 251.

    Probatum est. Charles Easy.

’I Christopher Query having been troubled with a certain Distemper in my Tongue, which shewed it self in impertinent and superfluous Interrogatories, have not asked one unnecessary Question since my Perusal of the Prescription marked No. 228.
’The Britannick Beautifyer, being an Essay on Modesty, No. 231. which gives such a delightful Blushing Colour to the Cheeks of those that are White or Pale, that it is not to be distinguished from a natural fine Complection, nor perceived to be artificial by the nearest Friend:  Is nothing of Paint, or in the least hurtful.  It renders the Face delightfully handsome; is not subject to be rubbed off, and cannot be parallelled by either Wash, Powder, Cosmetick, &c.  It is certainly the best Beautifier in the World.

    Martha Gloworm.

’I Samuel Self, of the Parish of St. James’s, having a Constitution which naturally abounds with Acids, made use of a Paper of Directions marked No. 177. recommending a healthful Exercise called Good-Nature, and have found it a most excellent Sweetner of the Blood.
’Whereas I, Elizabeth Rainbow, was troubled with that Distemper in my Head, which about a Year ago was pretty Epidemical among the Ladies, and discover’d it self in the Colour of their Hoods, having made use of the Doctor’s Cephalick Tincture, which he exhibited to the Publick in one of his last Year’s Papers, I recover’d in a very few Days.
’I George Gloom have for a long time been troubled with the Spleen, and being advis’d by my Friends to put my self into a Course of Steele, did for that end make use of Remedies convey’d to me several Mornings, in short Letters, from the Hands of the invisible
Project Gutenberg
The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.