To put an end to this silly, pernicious, frivolous Way at once, I will give the Reader one late Instance of a Bite, which no Biter for the future will ever be able to equal, tho’ I heartily wish him the same Occasion. It is a Superstition with some Surgeons who beg the Bodies of condemn’d Malefactors, to go to the Gaol, and bargain for the Carcase with the Criminal himself. A good honest Fellow did so last Sessions, and was admitted to the condemned Men on the Morning wherein they died. The Surgeon communicated his Business, and fell into discourse with a little Fellow, who refused Twelve Shillings, and insisted upon Fifteen for his Body. The Fellow, who kill’d the Officer of Newgate, very forwardly, and like a Man who was willing to deal, told him, Look you, Mr. Surgeon, that little dry Fellow, who has been half-starved all his Life, and is now half-dead with Fear, cannot answer your Purpose. I have ever liv’d high and freely, my Veins are full, I have not pined in Imprisonment; you see my Crest swells to your Knife, and after Jack-Catch has done, upon my Honour you’ll find me as sound as e’er a Bullock in any of the Markets. Come, for Twenty Shillings I am your Man—Says the Surgeon, Done, there’s a Guinea—This witty Rogue took the Money, and as soon as he had it in his Fist, cries, Bite, I am to be hang’d in Chains.
[Footnote 1: See No. 47. Swift writes,
’I’ll teach you a way to outwit Mrs. Johnson; it is a new fashioned way of being witty, and they call it a Bite. You must ask a bantering question, or tell some lie in a serious manner, then she will answer, or speak as if you were in earnest, and then cry you, “Madam, there’s a Bite.” I would not have you undervalue this, for it is the constant amusement in Court, and every where else among the great people; and I let you know it, in order to have it among you, and to teach you a new refinement.’
Journal to Stella. Although ‘bite’ and ‘biter’ have not retained this sense, it remains in an occasional use of the word ‘bitten.’]
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No. 505. Thursday, October 9, 1712. Addison.
’Non habeo denique nauci Marsum
Non vicanos Aruspices, non de circo Astrologos,
Non Isiacos Conjectores, non Interpletes
Non enim sunt ii aut scientia, aut arte
Sed superstitiosi vates, impudentesque
Aut inertes, aut insani, aut quibus egestas
Qui sui questus causa fictas suscitant
Qui sibi semitam non sapiunt, alteri monstrant
Quibus divitias pollicentur, ab iis drachmam
De divitiis deducant drachmam, reddant