The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,418 pages of information about The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,418 pages of information about The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

[Footnote 2:  Said to have been one of the frolics of Sir Charles Sedley.]

[Footnote 3:  See note on p. 204, ante [Footnote 1 of No. 264].  Congreves Love for Love was to be acted at Drury Lane on Tuesday night At the desire of several Ladies of Quality.  For the Benefit of Mr. Estcourt.]

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No. 359.  Tuesday, April 22, 1712.  Budgell.

  Torva leaena lupum sequitur, lupus ipse capellam;
  Florentem cytisum sequitur lusciva capella.


As we were at the Club last Night, I observd that my Friend Sir ROGER, contrary to his usual Custom, sat very silent, and instead of minding what was said by the Company, was whistling to himself in a very thoughtful Mood, and playing with a Cork.  I joggd Sir ANDREW FREEPORT who sat between us; and as we were both observing him, we saw the Knight shake his Head, and heard him say to himself, A foolish Woman!  I cant believe it.  Sir ANDREW gave him a gentle Pat upon the Shoulder, and offered to lay him a Bottle of Wine that he was thinking of the Widow.  My old Friend started, and recovering out of his brown Study, told Sir ANDREW that once in his Life he had been in the right.  In short, after some little Hesitation, Sir ROGER told us in the fulness of his Heart that he had just received a Letter from his Steward, which acquainted him that his old Rival and Antagonist in the County, Sir David Dundrum, had been making a Visit to the Widow.  However, says Sir ROGER, I can never think that shell have a Man thats half a Year older than I am, and a noted Republican into the Bargain.

WILL.  HONEYCOMB, who looks upon Love as his particular Province, interrupting our Friend with a janty Laugh; I thought, Knight, says he, thou hadst lived long enough in the World, not to pin thy Happiness upon one that is a Woman and a Widow.  I think that without Vanity I may pretend to know as much of the Female World as any Man in Great-Britain, tho’ the chief of my Knowledge consists in this, that they are not to be known.  WILL, immediately, with his usual Fluency, rambled into an Account of his own Amours.  I am now, says he, upon the Verge of Fifty, (tho’ by the way we all knew he was turned of Threescore.) You may easily guess, continued WILL., that I have not lived so long in the World without having had some thoughts of settling in it, as the Phrase is.  To tell you truly, I have several times tried my Fortune that way, though I can’t much boast of my Success.

I made my first Addresses to a young Lady in the Country; but when I thought things were pretty well drawing to a Conclusion, her Father happening to hear that I had formerly boarded with a Surgeon, the old Put forbid me his House, and within a Fortnight after married his Daughter to a Fox-hunter in the Neighbourhood.

I made my next Applications to a Widow, and attacked her so briskly, that I thought myself within a Fortnight of her.  As I waited upon her one Morning, she told me that she intended to keep her Ready-Money and Jointure in her own Hand, and desired me to call upon her Attorney in Lyons-Inn, who would adjust with me what it was proper for me to add to it.  I was so rebuffed by this Overture, that I never enquired either for her or her Attorney afterwards.

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The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.