The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,418 pages of information about The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,418 pages of information about The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

Since none of the Criticks have consider’d Virgil’s Fable, with relation to this History of AEneas, it may not, perhaps, be amiss to examine it in this Light, so far as regards my present Purpose.  Whoever looks into the Abridgment above mentioned, will find that the Character of AEneas is filled with Piety to the Gods, and a superstitious Observation of Prodigies, Oracles, and Predictions.  Virgil has not only preserved this Character in the Person of AEneas, but has given a place in his Poem to those particular Prophecies which he found recorded of him in History and Tradition.  The Poet took the matters of Fact as they came down to him, and circumstanced them after his own manner, to make them appear the more natural, agreeable, or surprizing.  I believe very many Readers have been shocked at that ludicrous Prophecy, which one of the Harpyes pronounces to the Trojans in the third Book, namely, that before they had built their intended City, they should be reduced by Hunger to eat their very Tables.  But, when they hear that this was one of the Circumstances that had been transmitted to the Romans in the History of AEneas, they will think the Poet did very well in taking notice of it.  The Historian above mentioned acquaints us, a Prophetess had foretold AEneas, that he should take his Voyage Westward, till his Companions should eat their Tables; and that accordingly, upon his landing in Italy, as they were eating their Flesh upon Cakes of Bread, for want of other Conveniences, they afterwards fed on the Cakes themselves; upon which one of the Company said merrily, We are eating our Tables.  They immediately took the Hint, says the Historian, and concluded the Prophecy to be fulfilled.  As Virgil did not think it proper to omit so material a particular in the History of AEneas, it may be worth while to consider with how much Judgment he has qualified it, and taken off every thing that might have appeared improper for a Passage in an Heroick Poem.  The Prophetess who foretells it, is an Hungry Harpy, as the Person who discovers it is young Ascanius. [2]

  Heus etiam mensas consumimus, inquit Inlus!

Such an observation, which is beautiful in the Mouth of a Boy, would have been ridiculous from any other of the Company.  I am apt to think that the changing of the Trojan Fleet into Water-Nymphs which is the most violent Machine in the whole AEneid, and has given offence to several Criticks, may be accounted for the same way.  Virgil himself, before he begins that Relation, premises, that what he was going to tell appeared incredible, but that it was justified by Tradition.  What further confirms me that this Change of the Fleet was a celebrated Circumstance in the History of AEneas, is, that Ovid has given place to the same Metamorphosis in his Account of the heathen Mythology.

None of the Criticks I have met with having considered the Fable of the AEneid in this Light, and taken notice how the Tradition, on which it was founded, authorizes those Parts in it which appear the most exceptionable; I hope the length of this Reflection will not make it unacceptable to the curious Part of my Readers.

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The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.