George Washington's Rules of Civility eBook

Moncure Daniel Conway
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about George Washington's Rules of Civility.

George Washington's Rules of Civility eBook

Moncure Daniel Conway
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about George Washington's Rules of Civility.
Chapter viii. 37.  Ne vous rincez point la bouche auec du vin, pour le reietter en presence des autres; mais sorty que vous serez de table, accoustumez vous a lauer les mains auec les autres.  Quant a la bouche, il semble n’estre pas a propos de la lauer en presence des gens, & partant quand l’on donne a lauer, mesme en table, l’on doit seulement lauer les mains.
Do not rinse your mouth with wine, to be rejected in the presence of others; but, having left the table, accustom yourself to wash your hands with the rest.  As to the mouth, it does not appear proper to wash it in company at all, and consequently when an opportunity of washing is offered, even at the table, the hands only should be washed.

102d.  It is out of use to call upon the Company often to Eat nor need you Drink to others every Time you Drink

Chapter viii. 38.  C’est chose peu loueable & presque aujourd’huy hors d’vsage, d’inuiter la compagnie a manger, principalement trop souuent & auec importunite, car il semble qu’on luy oste la liberte.  Beaucoup moins deuez-vous boire a autruy toutes les fois que vous boiuez:  que si l’on boit a vous, vous pouuez le refuser modestement, remerciant de bonne grace, & confessant de vous rendre; ou bien essayez vn peu le vin par courtoisie, principalement auec gens qui sont accoustumez. a cela, & prennent le refus a iniure.
It is not commendable, and now almost out of fashion, to call on the company to eat, especially to invite them too often and urgently, for it appears to take away their freedom.  Much less should you drink to others every time you drink:  if one drinks to you, it is permissible to decline modestly, thanking him gracefully, and acknowledging your response; or you may well sip a little wine for courtesy, especially with people who are accustomed to it, and who are offended by refusal.

103d.  In Company of your Betters be not [longer in eating] than they are lay not your Arm but ar[ise with only a touch on the edge of the table.]

     Chapter viii. 42.  Quand les autres ont acheue de manger, despechez
     vous aussi, & ne tenez pas les bras sur la table, mais posez les
     mains seulement sur le bout.

     When the rest have finished eating, you should do the same quickly;
     do not hold your arms on the table, but only place your hands on
     the edge of it.

104th.  It belongs to y’e Chiefest in Company to unfold his Napkin and fall to Meat first, But he ought to begin in time & to Dispatch with Dexterity that y’e Slowest may have time allowed him

Chapter viii. 45.  C’est a faire au plus honnorable de la compagnie de deplier le premier sa seruiette, & toucher aux viandes:  & partant les autres doiuent attendre paisiblement sans mettre la main a chose aucune deuant lui.
46.  Et au contraire il doit estre soigneux de commencer en son temps, de pouruoir
Project Gutenberg
George Washington's Rules of Civility from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.