Chapter vi. 17. Ne montrez point au doigt la personne dont vous parlez, & ne vous approchez point trop pres de celuy que vous entretenez, non plus que de son visage, a qui il faut toujours porter quelque reuerence.
Do not point your finger at the person of whom you are speaking, and do not go too near any one with whom you are conversing, especially not near his face, which should always be held in some reverence.
77th. Treat with men at fit Times about Business & Whisper not in the Company of Others
Chapter vi. 18. Si vous auez vne affaire particuliere a communiquer a l’vne de deux personnes ou de plusieurs qui s’entretiennent ensemble, expediez en trois mots, & ne luy dites pas en l’oreille ce que vous auez a proposer; mais si la chose est secrette, tirez-la tant soit peu a l’ecart, s’il vous est possible, & que rien ne vous en empesche; parlez luy en la langue que les assistants entendent.
If you have any particular matter to communicate to one of two persons or of several, who are talking together, finish it off in three words, and do not whisper in his ear what you have to say; if the matter be secret, take him aside a little, if possible, and nothing prevents; speak to him in the language which those present understand.
78th. Make no Comparisons and if any of the Company be Commended for any brave act of Virtue, commend not another for the Same
Chapter vii. 21. Abstenez vous de faire des comparaisons des personnes l’vne auec l’autre; Et partant si l’on donne des loueanges a quelqu’vn pour vne bonne action, ou pour sa vertu, gardez vous bien de loueer la mesme vertu en quelque autre. Car toute comparaison se trouue odieuse.
Abstain from drawing
comparisons between different persons; and if
any one is praised for
a good action, or for his virtue, do not
praise another for the
same. For all comparisons are odious.
79th. Be not apt to relate News if you know not the truth thereof. In Discoursing of things you Have heard Name not your Author always A Secret Discover not
Chapter vii. 22. Ne faites pas aisement dessein de redire aux autres les nouuelles & les rapports qui auront couru touchant les rencontres des affaires, si vous n’auez vn garant de leur verite. Et ne vous amusez pas en racontant ces vau-de-villes, d’en citer l’Autheur, que vous ne soyez bien asseure qu’il ne le trouuera pas mauuais. Gardez tousiours bien le secret qui vous a este confie & ne le ditez a personne, de crainte qu’il ne soit diuulgue.
[Sidenote: The later French book says: ’Discover not the secret of a friend, it argues a shallow understanding and a weakness.’]
Be not apt to relate rumours of events, if you know not their truth. And in repeating such things do not mention your authority, unless you are sure he will like it. Always keep the secret confided to you; tell it to no one, lest it be divulged.
80th. Be not Tedious in Discourse or in reading unless you find the Company pleased therewith