George Washington's Rules of Civility eBook

Moncure Daniel Conway
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about George Washington's Rules of Civility.

George Washington's Rules of Civility eBook

Moncure Daniel Conway
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about George Washington's Rules of Civility.
Chapter ii. 21.  Vous ne hocherez la teste, vous ne remuerez point les jambes, ny ne roueillerez les yeux, ne froncerez point les sourcils, ou tordrez la bouche.  Vous vous garderez de laisser aller auec vos paroles de la saliue, ou du crachat aux visages de ceux, auec qui vous conversez.  Pour obvier a cet accident, vous ne vous en approcherez point si pres; mais vous les entretiendrez dans vne distace raisonnable.
Shake not the head, nor fidget the legs, nor roll the eyes, nor frown, nor make mouths.  Be careful not to let saliva escape with your words, nor any spittle fly into the faces of those with whom you converse.  To avoid such accident do not approach them too near, but keep at a reasonable distance.

13th Kill no Vermin as Fleas, lice ticks &c in the Sight of Others, if you See any filth or thick Spittle put your foot Dexteriously upon it if it be upon the Cloths of your Companions, Put it off privately, and if it be upon your own Cloths return Thanks to him who puts it off

Chapter ii. 22.  Gardez vous bie de vous arrester a tuer vne puce, ou quelque sale bestiole de cette espece, en presence de qui que a puisse estre.  Que si quelque chose d’immode vient a vous offenser la veue, en regardant a terre, comme quelque crachat infect, ou quelque autre chose semblable, mettez le pied dessus.  S’il en attache quelque’vne aux habits de celuy a qui vous parlez, ou voltige dessus, gardez vouz bien de la luy monstrer, ou a quelqu’autre personne; mais trauaillez autant que vous pourrez a l’oster adroitement.  Et s’il arriue que quelqu’vn vous oblige tant que de vous defaire de quelque chose de semblable, faites luy paroistre vostre reconnoissance.
Do not stop to kill a flea, or other disgusting insect of the kind, in the presence of any one.  If anything disgusting offends the sight on the ground, as phlegm, etc., put your foot on it.  If it be on any garment of one to whom you are talking, do not show it to him or another, but do your best to remove it unobserved.  If any one oblige you in a thing of that kind make him your acknowledgments.

14th.  Turn not your Back to others especially in Speaking, Jog not the Table or Desk on which Another reads or writes lean not upon any one.

Chapter ii. 24.  En la rencontre que l’on fait des personnes, quand on les entretient, c’est une chose malseante de leur tourner le dos & les epaules.  C’est vne action impertinente de heurter la table ou d’ebranler le pupitre, dont vn autre se sert pour lire, ou pour ecrire.  C’est vne inciuilite de s’appuyer sur quelqu’vn, de tirer sa robbe, lors que l’on luy parle ou que l’on le peut entretenir.
When one meets people, it is very unbecoming in speaking to them to turn one’s back and shoulders to them.  It is an impertinent action to knock against the table, or to shake the desk, which another person is using for reading or writing.  It is uncivil to lean against any one, or to pluck his dress when speaking to him, or while entertaining him in conversation.

15th.  Keep your Nails clean and Short, also your Hands and Teeth Clean, yet without Shewing any great Concern for them

Project Gutenberg
George Washington's Rules of Civility from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.