Crime: Its Cause and Treatment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about Crime.

Crime: Its Cause and Treatment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about Crime.

Often the unthinking lay hold of a catch-word or a pet phrase and repeat and write it, as if it were the last word in social science and philosophy.  General Grant, when president, stumbled on such a silly combination of words, and surface-thinkers have been repeating it ever since, simply because it sounds wise and pat.  Grant once said that, “The way to repeal a bad law is to enforce it.”  Grant was not a statesman nor a philosopher.  He was a soldier.  He probably heard some one use this phrase, and it sounded good to him.  Out of that has grown the further statement which courts and prosecutors have used to excuse themselves for the cruelty of enforcing a law that does violence to the feelings of the people.  This statement is to the effect that so long as the law is on the books, it is the duty of officers to enforce it.  The smallest investigation of the philosophy of law shows how silly and reactionary such statements are.

One thing should be remembered.  Laws really come from the habits, customs and feelings of the people, as interpreted or understood by legislative bodies.  When these habits and customs are old enough they become the folk-ways of the people.  Legislatures and courts only write them down.  When the folk-ways change the laws change, even though no legislature or judge has recorded their repeal.

Since Professor Sumner of Yale University wrote his important book, “Folkways,” there is no excuse for any student not knowing that this statement is true.  As a matter of fact, no court ever enforced all the written laws, or ever would, or ever could.  Only a part of the discarded criminal law is ever repealed by other laws.  The rest dies from neglect and lack of use.  It is like the rudimentary parts of the human anatomy.  Man’s body is filled with rudimentary muscles and nerves that, in the past, served a purpose.  These were never removed by operations, but died from disuse.  Every criminal code is filled with obsolete laws, some of them entirely dead, others in the course of dissolution.  They cannot be repealed by statute so long as an active minority insists that they remain on the books.  When the great mass no longer wants them, it is useless to take the trouble to repeal them.  The fugitive slave law was never believed in and never obeyed, and it was openly violated and defied by the great mass of the people of the North.  The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Federal Constitution, and the statutes passed to enforce them, providing political and civil equality for the black man, and forbidding discrimination on railroads, in hotels, restaurants, theatres and all public places, have never really been the law in any state in the Union.  Their provisions have always been openly violated and no court would think of enforcing them, for the simple reason that public sentiment is against it.  Laws condemning witchcraft and sorcery both in Europe and America did their deadly work and died, for the

Project Gutenberg
Crime: Its Cause and Treatment from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.