Education, a response to suggestion, 65;
importance of, to the child, 77-78;
of the subnormal and the backward, 237.
Edwards, Jonathan, view held by, of punishment as
vengeance, 17-19.
Emerson, R. W., on non-obedience to law, 114.
Emotions, factor of, in human action, 46-55;
lack of satisfaction of, in American scheme
of things, 55.
England, system of justice in, 281.
Environment, man the product of heredity and, 34-36;
relation of heredity and, 37-40;
adjustment of, to heredity, 41-43, 277-278;
relation of, to development of criminal,
effects of, 201-202;
necessity of improving, shown by studies
of the Jukes and the
Kallikaks, 244-249.
Experts, medical, in courts, 143-149.
Factory system, growth of cities due to, 76;
and crime, 203-212;
Fear, emotion of, in man, 46-47;
instilling of, an object of punishment,
Feeble-minded, distinguishing between the normal and,
See Defectives.
Feuds, family, 12.
Flight, instinct of, in man, 46-47.
Folk-ways, crime defined as violation of, 6-7;
enforcement of, by primitive man, 8;
present-day laws descended from, 28;
are still a guide to man, 99-100.
Forgers, development of, 66-68.
Freedom of speech, loss of, as result of World War,
Gang, the boy’s, 79.
Genius, a frequent indication of insanity, 239.
Girls, protected life of, as compared with boys, 72;
sex crimes among, 90-91.
Glands, the ductless, and their use, 33-34, 38, 174.
Grant, General, on repealing of bad law, 130.
Grasset, Joseph, “The Semi-Insane and the Semi-Responsible,”
cited, 239.
Gregariousness, instinct of, in man, 47-48, 50.
Hatred, punishment actuated by, 12-19;
killings traceable to, 83.
Heredity, view of man as the product of environment
and, 34-36;
relation of environment and, 37-40;
problem of future, to adjust environment
to, 41-43, 277-278;
responsibility of, for the criminal, 57-65;
child criminal as result of, 78-79;
accounting for accused men’s actions
by, 126-129;
effects of, 201-202;
laws of, not sufficiently known to justify
sterilization, 237-238.
Homicide, the crime of, 81-87.
Ignorance, disease due to, 252.
Illinois, operation of parole law in, 267
Incest, crime of, 89-90.
Indeterminate sentence, the, 268-271, 278.
Industrialism and crime, 76, 203-212.
Insane, restraint of, a measure of self-protection,
treatment of, 144;
in prisons, 184-185;
allowances for, in criminal codes, 187-190;
legal tests of, not logical or humane,
Instinct, human action largely governed by, 44-54;
stress placed on, as motive power of life,
Intelligence tests, use of, 185-186.
Intolerance, a persisting source of evil, 228-229.
Isolation of the subnormal, 233-249.