Notes and Queries, Number 17, February 23, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 17, February 23, 1850.

Notes and Queries, Number 17, February 23, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 17, February 23, 1850.

I have made numerous extracts from these interesting documents, and notes thereon, which I shall at some future time be happy to lay before your readers, if you should consider them of sufficient importance.

As a voucher for what I have stated with regard to their existence, and to give some idea of their general character, I have selected (at random) a few items from the year 1580-1:—­

    “The Accompte of Henrie Jaye, Churchwarden of the Parishe of
    St. Antholyne, from the feaste of the Anunciacon of our Ladye
    in Anno 1580 unto the same feaste followinge in Anno 1581.”

Among the “receaittes” we have—­

  “R’d of Mr. Thorowgoode for an olde font stone,
    by the consente of a vestrie v’s iiij’d

  “R’d for the clothe of bodkine[11] y’t Ser Roger
    Marten hade before in keppinge, and now
    sold by the consente of a vestry and our
    mynnister iij’ll vj’s viij’d

“The Payments as followithe:—­

  “P’d to the wife of John Bakone gwder of the
    Lazer cotte at Myle End[12] in full of her due {261}
    for keppinge of Evan Redde y’t was Mr.
    Hariots mane till his departtur and for his
    Shete and Burialle as dothe apere xl’s viij’d

  “P’d for makinge of the Longe pillowe & the
    pulpit clothe ij’s

  “P’d for a yard and a nale of fustane for the same
    pillowe xvj’d

  “P’d for silke to the same pillowe xvj’d

  “P’d for xj’li of fethers for the same pillowe, at
    v’d iiij’s vij’d

  “P’d for brede and beer that day the quen cam
    in xij’d

  “P’d for candells and mendinge the baldrocke[13] vj’d

  “P’d for paynttinge y’e stafe of the survayer iij’d

  “P’d for mendynge the lytell bell iij’s

  “Pd to Mr. Sanders for the yearly rent of the
    Laystall and skowringe the harnes[14] for
    his yer iij’s viij’d

  “P’d to Mr. Wright for the makinge of the Cloke[15]
    mor than he gatheride, agred one at the laste
    vestrie xvij’s

  “P’d to Peter Medcalfe for mending the Cloke
    when it neade due at o’r Ladies Daye laste
    past in Anno 1581 iij’s

  “P’d for entringe this account xx’d.”


Overseer of St. Antholin, 1850.

    [11] Brodekine.  A richly-gilt stuff.

Project Gutenberg
Notes and Queries, Number 17, February 23, 1850 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.