Gargantua and Pantagruel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,126 pages of information about Gargantua and Pantagruel.

Gargantua and Pantagruel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,126 pages of information about Gargantua and Pantagruel.
head contrived like a still.
  urinal.  His skull, like a pouch. 
His eyelids, like a fiddle.  The suturae, or seams of his skull,
His eyes, like a comb-box. like the annulus piscatoris, or
His optic nerves, like a tinder- the fisher’s signet.
  box.  His skin, like a gabardine. 
His forehead, like a false cup.  His epidermis, or outward skin,
His temples, like the cock of a like a bolting-cloth.
  cistern.  His hair, like a scrubbing-brush. 
His cheeks, like a pair of wooden His fur, such as above said.

Chapter 4.XXXII.

A continuation of Shrovetide’s countenance.

’Tis a wonderful thing, continued Xenomanes, to hear and see the state of Shrovetide.

If he chanced to spit, it was whole When he trembled, it was large
  basketsful of goldfinches. venison pasties. 
If he blowed his nose, it was When he did sweat, it was old
  pickled grigs. ling with butter sauce. 
When he wept, it was ducks with When he belched, it was bushels
  onion sauce. of oysters. 
When he sneezed, it was whole When he muttered, it was lawyers’
  tubfuls of mustard. revels. 
When he coughed, it was boxes When he hopped about, it was
  of marmalade. letters of licence and protec-
When he sobbed, it was water- tions.
  cresses.  When he stepped back, it was
When he yawned, it was potfuls sea cockle-shells.
  of pickled peas.  When he slabbered, it was com-
When he sighed, it was dried mon ovens.
  neats’ tongues.  When he was hoarse, it was an
When he whistled, it was a whole entry of morrice-dancers.
  scuttleful of green apes.  When he broke wind, it was dun
When he snored, it was a whole cows’ leather spatterdashes.
  panful of fried beans.  When he funked, it was washed-
When he frowned, it was soused leather boots.
  hogs’ feet.  When he scratched himself, it
When he spoke, it was coarse was new proclamations.
  brown russet cloth; so little When he sung, it was peas in
  it was like crimson silk, with cods.
  which Parisatis desired that When he evacuated, it was mush-
  the words of such as spoke to rooms and morilles.
  her son Cyrus, King of Persia, When he puffed, it was cabbages
  should be interwoven. with oil, alias caules amb’olif. 
When he blowed, it was indulg- When he talked, it was the last
  ence money-boxes. year’s snow. 
When he winked, it was buttered When he dreamt,

Project Gutenberg
Gargantua and Pantagruel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.