The Servant in the House eBook

Charles Rann Kennedy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about The Servant in the House.

The Servant in the House eBook

Charles Rann Kennedy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about The Servant in the House.

Fifteen years ago me an’ my like ’adn’t got a religion!  By Gawd, we ‘av’ one now!  Like to ’ear wot it is?


ROBERT.  SOCIALISM!  Funny, ain’t it?

MANSON. I don’t think so.  It’s mine, too.

ROBERT.  I believe in fighting with my clarss!

MANSON.  Oh, against whom?

ROBERT.  Why, agin all the other clarsses—­curse ’em!

MANSON.  Isn’t that a bit of the old Robert left, comrade?

ROBERT.  Oh, leave me alone.  I cawn’t be allus pickin’ an’ choosin’ my words!  I ain’t no scholar—­thank Gawd!

MANSON.  All the same, I’m right, eh, comrade?  Comrade . . .

ROBERT [grudgingly].  Well, yus! [Savagely.] Yus, I tell yer!  Cawn’t a bloke speak ’otter than ‘e means without you scrapin’ at ’is innards?

[Exploding again.] Wait till I set eyes on that bleedin’ brother of mine again, that’s all!

MANSON.  Which bleeding brother?

ROBERT [with a thumb-jerk].  Why, ‘im, o’ course! [Sneering.] The Reverend William!  ’Im as you said was damned! . . .  Allus did ’ate parsons!  I ’ates the sight of their ’arf-baked, silly mugs!

[There is a very loud Ringing of the Bell.]

’Ello!  ’Ello!  Did I mek a row like that?

MANSON.  You tried, didn’t you?

ROBERT.  So I did, not ’arf!  Thought if I kicked up an ’ell of a shindy they’d think some big bug was comin’; and then when they’d be all smiles an’ bowin’ an’ scrapin’, in pops me, real low!

[ROGERS enters.  On seeing them at the table, he is apparently troubled with his inside.]

ROGERS.  Oh, my ’oly Evings!

MANSON.  Who is it, Rogers?

ROGERS [awed].  It’s the Bishop of Lancashire!

MANSON [imperturbably].  Shew him in, Rogers.

ROGERS.  Beg pardon, Mr. Manson . . .

MANSON.  I said, shew him in.

Quick, Rogers.  Keep a bishop waiting!

ROGERS.  Well, I’m jiggered!

[He is; and goes out.]

ROBERT.  ’Ere!  Did ’e say bishop?


ROBERT.  Comin’ ’ere?  Now?

[MANSON nods his head to each inquiry.]

Well, I ain’t agoin’ ter leave my sossingers, not if ’e was a bloomin’ archangel, see!

[ROGERS, still jiggered, ushers in JAMES PONSONBY MAKESHYFTE, D.D., the Most Reverend the Lord Bishop of Lancashire.  He looks his name, his goggles and ear-trumpet lending a beautiful perfection to the resemblance.]

[MANSON has risen:  ROBERT, imperturbable, discusses sossingers:  ROGERS, with a last excruciation of his ailment, vanishes.]

[The Most Reverend Father in God stands blinking for recognition.  Pained at the non-fulfilment of this worthy expectation, he moves—­a little blindly—­towards the table.  Here he encounters the oppugnant back of the voracious ROBERT, who grows quite annoyed.  Indeed, be as good as says so.]

Project Gutenberg
The Servant in the House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.