Die Woche, but already signs of tuberculosis
had appeared and he found that a journey abroad was
indispensable. On the funds raised by influential
friends, and the prize awarded him by the Russian Literary
Society, he was enabled to go abroad this same year,
accompanied by a friend of his mother. He went
to Wiesbaden, Nice, Mentonne, Berne, was operated
upon three times for the trouble in his foot, but to
no avail. His only desire became to return to
his native land to die. In the summer of 1885,
he went back to Kiew, where for a time he seemed to
improve and was able to write some criticisms for the
journals. When his left lung gave out, he moved
to Yalta in the Crimea. Here he received the
glad news that the Academy had given him the Pushkin
award of five hundred roubles.
In November he bequeathed all he had written to the literary fund; whose Nadson capital now amounts to more than two hundred thousand roubles from the sale of his works. He died in January, 1889. His body was brought to Petersburg and interred with public honors. His grave, which is near other celebrated Russian writers, is adorned by a bust from the hand of the famous sculptor Antokolsky. His poetry enjoys a popularity beyond that of any one poet in Russian, and has been carried to the eighteenth edition of one hundred and twenty thousand volumes each.
Sketches of the lives of the poets here represented by a single poem are omitted as unnecessary to enjoyment of their work.