Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 480 pages of information about Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897.

Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 480 pages of information about Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897.
Stanton, Hon.  Gerrit Smith,
Stanton, Harriot Eaton,
Stanton, Henry,
Stanton, Hon.  Henry Brewster,
Stanton, Margaret Livingston,
Stanton, Marguerite Berry,
Stanton, Robert Livingston,
Stanton, Theodore,
Stead, William T.,
Stebbins, Catharine F.,
Stebbins, Giles,
Stebbins, Mrs.,
Steinthal, Rev.  Mr.,
Sterling, Antoinette,
Stevens, Thaddeus,
Stevenson, Robert Louis,
Stewart, Alvin,
Stone, Lucy,
Stout, Rev.  C.,
Stowe, Harriet Beecher,
Straus, Oscar S.,
Stuart, Charles,
Stuart, Dr.  Jacob H.,
Stuart, Mrs. Jacob H.,
Stuart, Professor,
Sturge, Joseph,
Sumner, Charles,
Sutherland, Duchess of,
Swift, Isabella,
Swift, Lieutenant,

Tanner, Mrs.,
Taylor, Helen,
Taylor, Mrs. Peter A.,
Terry, Ellen,
Thacher, Mayor,
Thomson, Adeline,
Thomasson, Hon.  John P., M.  P.,
Thomasson, Mrs. John P.,
Thompkins, Governor Daniel D.,
Thompson, George,
Thompson, May Wright,
Tilton, Theodore,
Train, George Francis,
Traut, Mme. Griess,
Tree, Ellen,
Tudor, Mrs. Fenno,
Tyler, Professor, Moses Coit,
Tyng, Dr.  Stephen,

Underhill, Zoe Dana,

Van Vechten, Abraham,
Vest, Senator George G.,
Victoria, Queen,
Vignon, Claude,
Villard, Fanny Garrison,
Villard, Henry,
Vincent, Henry,
Virchow, Professor,

Waite, Chief Justice Morrison R.,
Walter, Ellen Cochrane,
Walsingham, Sir Francis,
Washington, General George,
Weed, Thurlow,
Weld, Angelina Grimke,
Weld, Theodore D.,
Wellington, Duke of,
Wells, Emeline B.,
West, Benjamin,
Weston, Deborah,
Whipple, E.P.,
Whitney, Anna,
Whittier, John G.,
Whittle, Dr. Ewing,
Wigham, Eliza,
Wigham, Jane,
Wilberforce, Canon,
Wilberforce, William,
Wilbour, Charlotte Beebe,
Wilkeson, Catherine Cady,
Wilkeson, Samuel,
Willard, Amelia,
Willard, Emma,
Willard, Frances E.,
Willard, Mrs. John,
Williams, Senator C.G.,
Williams, Elisha,
Wilson, Daniel,
Winckworth, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen,
Winslow, Emily,
Woodhull, Victoria,
Wollstonecraft, Mary,
Woodward, Mr.,
Worden, Mrs.,
Wright, David,
Wright, Frances,
Wright, Henry C.,
Wright, Martha C.,
Wright, Mr.,
Wright, Paulina,

Yost, Elizabeth W.,
Yost, Maria,

Zackesewska, Dr. M.E.,

[Portions of Chapters X. and XI. of this book are taken by permission from an article written by Mrs. Stanton for “Our Famous Women,” published by A.D.  Worthington & Co.]

Project Gutenberg
Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.