Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 480 pages of information about Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897.

Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 480 pages of information about Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897.
Moffett, Rev. Dr.,
Moliner, Professor,
Morley, John,
Morpeth, Lord,
Morris, William,
Morrison, Cotton,
Morsier, Emilie de,
Morton, Edwin,
Mott, Lucretia,
Mott, Lydia,
Moulton, Louise Chandler,
Moulton, Mrs.,
Mueller, Eva,
Mueller, Henrietta,
Murray, Eliza, in,

Neal, Elizabeth,
Nichol, Elizabeth Pease,

O’Connell, Daniel, go,
O’Conor, Charles,
Olmstead, Rev. John W.,
Olmstead, Mary Livingston,
Opie, Amelia,
Orr, Mrs.,
Osborne, Eliza W.,
O’Shea, Mrs. Kitty,
Owen, Robert Dale,

Palmer, Senator John M.,
Parker, Margaret,
Parker, Theodore,
Parkhurst, Mrs.,
Parnell, Charles Stewart,
Parsons, Chauncey C,
Parsons, Mrs. Chauncey C,
Patton, Rev. Dr.,
Peabody, Elizabeth,
Pearson, Karl,
Pease, Elizabeth,
Phelps, Elizabeth B.,
Phillips, Ann Green,
Phillips, Wendell,
Pierpont, John,
Pillsbury, Parker,
Plumb, Senator Preston B.,
Pochin, Mrs.,
Pomeroy, “Brick,”
Powell, Aaron,
Powell, Professor,
Priestman, Annie,
Priestman, Mary,
Pugh, Sarah,

Quincy, Edmund,

Ramsey, Mr.,
Reid, Mrs. Hugo,
Remond, Charles,
Richer, Leon,
Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich,
Ripley, George,
Ripley, Mrs. George,
Richardson, Abby Sage,
Ristori, Marchionesse Adelaide,
Robinson, Governor Charles,
Roby, Matilda,
Rogers, Caroline Gilkey,
Rogers, Nathaniel P.,
Roland, Mme.,
Rosa, Mr.,
Rose, Ernestine L.,
Root, Elihu,
Rouvier, M.,
Runkle, Mrs.,
Ruskin, John,

Sackett, Fudge Gerrit V.,
Sage, Russell,
Sage, Mrs. Russell,
Sanborn, Frank,
Sanders, Mrs. Henry M.,
Sargent, Senator Aaron A.,
Sargent, Mrs. Aaron A.,
Saville, Mrs.,
Scatcherd, Alice Cliff,
Scatcherd, Mr.,
Schenck, Elizabeth B.,
Schenck, Robert C,
Scoble, Rev. John,
Seaman, Mr.,
Seidl, Professor,
Sewall, May Wright,
Sewall, Samuel E.,
Sewall, Mrs. Samuel E.,
Seward, Governor William H.,
Seward, Mrs. William H.,
Shaftesbury, Lord,
Shaw, Rev. Anna,
Shelley, Percy Bysshe,
Shelley, Percy Florence,
Smalley, George W.,
Smith, Ann Carroll Fitzhugh,
Smith, Elizabeth Oakes,
Smith, Gerrit,
Smith, Greene,
Smith, Professor Horace,
Smith, Mrs. Horace,
Smith, Peter Sken,
Smith, Sidney,
Smith, Sisters,
Somerset, Lady Henry,
Southwick, Abby,
Southwick, Joseph,
Southwick.  Thankful,
Southworth, Louisa,
Spaulding, Bishop,
Spence, Clara,
Spencer, John C,
Spencer, Sarah Andrews,
Spofford, Jane Snow,
Spofford, Mr.,
Sprague, Governor William,
Stael, Mme. de,
Stanford, Senator Leland,
Stanley, Dean,
Stansfeld, Mr., M.P.,
Stanton, Hon. Daniel Cady,
Stanton, Edwin M.,
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, Granddaughter of author,

Project Gutenberg
Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.