The Wing-and-Wing eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Wing-and-Wing.

The Wing-and-Wing eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Wing-and-Wing.

All the orders and names were there, certainly, written in a clear, fair hand, and in perfectly good English.  The only thing that one who understood the language would have been apt to advert to, was the circumstance that the words which the sailor pronounced “Jaques Smeet’” were written, plainly enough, “Jack Smith”—­an innovation on the common practice, which, to own the truth, had proceeded from his own obstinacy, and had been done in the very teeth of the objections of the scribe who forged the papers.  But Andrea was still too little of an English scholar to understand the blunder, and the Jack passed, with him, quite as currently as would “John,” “Edward,” or any other appellation.  As to the Wing-and-Wing, all was right; though, as the words were pointed out and pronounced by both parties, one pertinaciously insisted on calling them “Ving-and-Ving,” and the other, “Ving-y-Ving.”  All this evidence had a great tendency toward smoothing down every difficulty, and ’Maso Tonti’s objections were pretty nearly forgotten by both the Italians, when the papers were returned to their proper owner.

“It was an improbable thing that an enemy, or a corsair, would venture into this haven of ours, Vito Viti,” said the vice-governatore, in a self-approving manner; “we have a reputation for being vigilant, and for knowing our business, as well as the authorities of Livorno, or Genova, or Napoli.”

“And that too, Signore, with nothing in the world to gain but hard knocks and a prison,” added the Captain Smeet’, with one of his most winning smiles—­a smile that even softened the heart of the podesta, while it so far warmed that of his superior as to induce him to invite the stranger to share his own frugal supper.  The invitation was accepted as frankly as it had been given, and, the table being ready in an adjoining room, in a few minutes Il Capitano Smees and Vito Viti were sharing the vice-governatore’s evening meal.

From that moment, if distrust existed any longer in the breasts of the two functionaries of Porto Ferrajo, it was so effectually smothered as to be known only to themselves.  The light fare of an Italian kitchen, and the light wines of Tuscany, just served to strengthen the system and enliven the spirits; the conversation becoming general and lively, us the business of the moment proceeded.  At that day, tea was known throughout southern Europe as an ingredient only for the apothecary’s keeping; nor was it often to be found among his stores; and the convives used, as a substitute, large draughts of the pleasant mountain liquors of the adjacent main, which produced an excitement scarcely greater, while it may be questioned if it did as much injury to the health.  The stranger, however, both ate and drank sparingly, for, while he affected to join cordially in the discourse and the business of restoration, he greatly desired to be at liberty to pursue his own designs.

Project Gutenberg
The Wing-and-Wing from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.