A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 499 pages of information about A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1.

A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 499 pages of information about A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1.

Little by little this name is observed to become more restricted and more precise.  The Iberians of Spain are the first to be detached; then the Germans.  In the century preceding the Christian era, the Gauls, that is, the peoples inhabiting Gaul, are alone called Celts.  We begin even to recognize amongst them diversities of race, and to distinguish the Iberians of Gaul, alias Aquitanians, and the Kymrians or Belgians from the Gauls, to whom the name of Celts is confined.  Sometimes even it is to a confederation of certain Gallic tribes that the name Specially applies.  However it be, the Gauls appear to have been the first inhabitants of western Europe.  In the most ancient historical memorials they are found there, and not only in Gaul, but in Great Britain, in Ireland, and in the neighboring islets.  In Gaul, after a long predominance, they commingled with other races to form the French nation.  But, in this commingling numerous traces of their language, monuments, manners, and names of persons and places, survived and still exist, especially to the east and south—­cast, in local customs and vernacular dialects.  In Ireland, in the highlands of Scotland, in the Hebrides and the Isle of Man, Gauls (Gaels) still live under their primitive name.  There we still have the Gaelic race and tongue, free, if not from any change, at least from absorbent fusion.

From the seventh to the fourth century B.C., a new population spread over Gaul, not at once, but by a series of invasions, of which the two principal took place at the two extremes of that epoch.  They called themselves Kymrians or Kimrians, whence the Romans made Cimbrians, which recalls Cimmerii or Cimmerians, the name of a people whom the Greeks placed on the western bank of the Black Sea and in the Cimmerian peninsula, called to this day Crimea.  During these irregular and successively repeated movements of wandering populations, it often happened that tribes of different races met, made terms, united, and finished by amalgamation under one name.  All the peoples that successively invaded Europe, Gauls, Kymrians, Germans, belonged at first, in Asia, whence they came, to a common stern; the diversity of their languages, traditions, and manners, great as it already was at the time of their appearance in the West, was the work of time and of the diverse circumstances in the midst of which they had lived; but there always remained amongst them traces of a primitive affinity which allowed of sudden and frequent comings, amidst their tumultuous dispersion.

The Kymrians, who crossed the Rhine and flung themselves into northern Gaul towards the middle of the fourth century B.C., called themselves Bolg, or Belg, or Belgians, a name which indeed is given to them by Roman writers, and which has remained that of the country they first invaded.  They descended southwards, to the banks of the Seine and the Marne.  There they encountered the Kymrians of former invasions,

Project Gutenberg
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.