Preliminary Report of the Commission Appointed by the University of Pennsylvania to Investigate Modern Spiritualism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 225 pages of information about Preliminary Report of the Commission Appointed by the University of Pennsylvania to Investigate Modern Spiritualism.

Preliminary Report of the Commission Appointed by the University of Pennsylvania to Investigate Modern Spiritualism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 225 pages of information about Preliminary Report of the Commission Appointed by the University of Pennsylvania to Investigate Modern Spiritualism.
mind on the slates, but to put myself into a condition of “passivity.”  She declared me mediumistic, and said that she doubted whether she would ever be able to get results with me.  She stated two or three times that she saw three forms behind me, but dimly, and could not describe them.  One was a “mild and gentle lady, with a beautiful hand.”  To the only person whom I can remember with a markedly beautiful hand, no one would have applied these adjectives.  The sitting was about an hour long.

(Copied and arranged the same evening from notes made in the car on the way home from the seance.)


[I arranged for another seance with Mrs. Thayer, to be held some days later, but at the time appointed she refused to see me, giving as excuse indisposition.

G.S.F.—­April, 1887.]

* * * * *

On the evening of January 29th, 1887, in company with Dr. J.W.  White, I called on Mrs. Thayer, at No. 1601 North 15th Street.

The lady seemed not to be pleased with our visit, and declared that we were no Spiritualists.  She reluctantly agreed to give us a seance on the following Sunday, and on parting the gentleman of the house politely invited us to attend a flower seance to be held by the same lady on the following Thursday.

Calling on Sunday, Mrs. Thayer excused herself on account of indisposition.

The next Thursday we attended the flower seance, in which I felt much curiosity from the wonderful story that had been told to me by a Spiritualist friend, who had seen one by the same Medium several years before.

The seance was held in the second story of the back building, in a room which the proprietor of the house informed me he had devoted to the purpose of Spiritualist seances.  About thirty persons were assembled, and, without any examination of the premises, they were seated around a long dining-table.  In the company Dr. Koenig was the only other member of the Seybert Commission present.  The seance was opened with an ‘invocation’ by a lady, and during the ‘manifestations’ the company sang popular airs, such as ‘Sweet by-and-bye,’ etc.  The doors and windows were all securely closed and the lights extinguished.  Sounds were heard of objects dropping on the table, and from time to time matches were lit and exposed, strewed before the company, cut plants and flowers.  There were all of the kind sold at this season by the florists, consisting of a pine bough, fronds of ferns, roses, pinks, tulips, lilies, callas (Richardia) and smilax (Myrsiphyllum).  At one time there fell on the table a heavy body, which proved to be a living terrapin; at another time there appeared a pigeon which flew about the room.  The flower manifestation ceased, and the gas was re-lit.  A lady then made some remarks on the wonderful phenomena exhibited in evidence of the truth of Spiritualism, and another followed with some sentimentalities on the subject.  The proprietor of the house declared that the flowers and other objects brought to view in the seance were not previously in the room, and their appearance could not be explained unless through Spiritual agency.  He said that in former years, at similar seances, flowers had appeared in much greater quantities.  The Medium, Mrs. Thayer, said she had not before served in a flower seance for several years.

Project Gutenberg
Preliminary Report of the Commission Appointed by the University of Pennsylvania to Investigate Modern Spiritualism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.