to you, who hath sent you in the Emanuel a ball of
Nutmegs for the small trifles you sent him, which
I hope long since you haue receiued. Also hee
hath by his letter certified you in what order hee
solde those things, whereof I can say nothing, because
I haue not seene the accompt thereof, neither haue
demaunded it: for euer since our comming hither
hee hath bene still busie about the dispatch of the
shippe, and our voyage, and I likewise in buying of
things here to cary to Balsara, and the Indies. [Sidenote:
Currall. Amber greese. Sope. Broken
glasse.] Wee haue bought in currall for 1200. and
odde ducats, and amber for foure hundreth ducates,
and some sope and broken glasse, with all other small
trifles, all which things I hope will serue very wel
for those places that wee shall goe vnto. All
the rest of the accompt of the Barke Reinolds was sent
home in the Emanuel, which was 3600. ducats, which
is 200. pound more then it was rated. For master
Staper rated it but 1100. li. and it is 1300. pound,
so that our part is 200. pound, besides such profit
as it shall please God to sende thereof: wherefore
you shall doe very well to speake to M. Staper for
the accompt. And if you would content your selfe
to trauell for three or foure yeeres, I would wish
you to come hither or goe to Cairo, if any goe thither.
For wee doubt not if you had remained there but three
or foure moneths, you would like so well of the place,
that I thinke you would not desire to returne againe
in three or foure yeeres. And, if it should be
my chance to remaine in any place out of England,
I would choose this before all other that I know.
My reason is, the place is healthfull and pleasant,
and the gaines very good, and no doubt the profit will
bee hereafter better, things being vsed in good order:
for there should come in euery ship the fourth part
of her Cargason in money, which would helpe to put
away our commodities at a very good price. Also
to haue two very good ships to come together, would
doe very well: for in so doing, the danger of
the voyage might be accompted as little as from London
to Antwerpe. Master Giles Porter and master Edmund
Porter, went from Tripolis in a small barke to Iaffa,
the same day that we came from thence, which was the
14 day of this present, so that no doubt but long
since they are in Ierusalem: God send them and
vs safe returne. At this instant I haue received
the account of M. Barret, and the rest of the rings,
with two and twentie duckats, two medines in readie
money. So there is nothing remaining in his hands
but a few bookes, and with Thomas Bostocke I left
certaine small trifles, which I pray you demaund.
And so once againe with my hearty commendations I commit
you to the tuition of the almightie, who alwayes preserue
vs. From Aleppo the 29 of May 1583.
Yours assured,
Iohn Newberie.
* * * * *
Another letter of Master Newberie to the aforesaide
M. Poore, written from