The twenty one, we saw the North starre.
The ninth and tenth of Iune, we had sight of the Canaries.
The twenty seauen, wee sayled vpon the Spanish Sea.
The twenty nine, we were in fortie four degrees.
The fourth of Iuly, we saw behind vs two sailes, one before the other, which were the first that we had seene for a long time.
The sixt of Iuly our Admirall had both his foremast and mainemast blowne ouer boord.
The eleuenth, we passed the Sorlings, the thirteenth, Falmouth, Plimmouth and the Quasquets.
The seauenteenth, we came before Dover.
The nineteenth, wee had foule and stormy weather, at what time by Gods good blessing wee arriued in our natiue countrey at Texell in Holland, hauing performed in the short space of one yeare, two moneths and nineteene daies, almost as long a voiage, as if we should haue compassed the globe of the earth, and bringing home with vs our full fraight of rich and gainfull Marchandize.
End of vol. X.