her share in the struggle
Germanic peoples, overflow of, I;
conquer Europe;
fails to extend Germany.
Gibault, Pierre, the priest of Kaskaskia, II;
a devoted champion in the American cause;
goes to Vincennes;
advances money to Clark;
Gibson, John, bears Logan’s speech to Lord Dunmore, I;
Girty, Simon, “The White Renegade,” I;
arrives in camp;
shows a spark of compassion;
serves under Hamilton, II.;
his cunning and cruelty;
saves Kenton’s life;
a witness of Crawford’s awful torture;
at the attack on Bryan’s Station.
Gnadenhuetten, a settlement of Moravian Indians, I;
Greathouse, his claim to remembrance, I;
murders Logan’s kinsfolk;
Great Kanawha, battle of the, I;
fierce attack of the Indians;
the backwoodsmen five way;
they push the Indians;
Charles Lewis mortally wounded;
death of Col. Field;
Isaac Shelby in command;
steadiness of the backwoodsmen;
skill and bravery of the Indians;
Cornstalk cheers his braves;
flank movement of the Indians repulsed;
the Indians outflanked;
the Indians fall back;
end of the action;
loss of the whites exceeds that of the Indians;
a purely American victory;
results of the battle;
Isaac Shelby’s account of, Appendix;
Wm. Preston’s account of, Appendix;
Great Kanawha River, Lord Dunmore’s forces to unite at the mouth of, I;
Great Smoky Mountains, I;
Half-breeds of the Red River and the Saskatchewan, I;
Hambright wounded at King’s Mountain, II;
Hamilton, Henry, summons a council of the tribes at Detroit, II;
his character;
Lieutenant-Governor of the Northwest;
the mainspring of hostility to the Americans;
nicknamed the “hair-buyer” general;
organizes a troop of rangers;
tries to ransom Boon;
plans an attack on Fort Pitt;
marches to reconquer Illinois;
muster of his forces;
starts against Vincennes;
difficulties of the route;
captures Vincennes;
measures to secure his conquest;
goes into winter quarters;
plans a great campaign;
surrenders Vincennes to Clark;
sent a prisoner to Virginia;
hatred towards, of the backwoodsmen;
Hammond, Colonel, rallies the troops at the capture of Eseneka, I;
crosses the Kiowee;
saves the troops a second time from disaster;
Hampton, Lieutenant, gallantly seconds Hammond’s efforts, I;
Harlan, with the Harrodsburg men at the battle of the Blue Licks, II;
leads the advance guard; his death;
Harrod, James, hunts in Tennessee, I;
with Saowdowski founds Harrodsburg;
leads a band to Kentucky;
his memory revered by the old settlers;
Harrodsburg, settlement of, I;
her share in the struggle
Germanic peoples, overflow of, I;
conquer Europe;
fails to extend Germany.
Gibault, Pierre, the priest of Kaskaskia, II;
a devoted champion in the American cause;
goes to Vincennes;
advances money to Clark;
Gibson, John, bears Logan’s speech to Lord Dunmore, I;
Girty, Simon, “The White Renegade,” I;
arrives in camp;
shows a spark of compassion;
serves under Hamilton, II.;
his cunning and cruelty;
saves Kenton’s life;
a witness of Crawford’s awful torture;
at the attack on Bryan’s Station.
Gnadenhuetten, a settlement of Moravian Indians, I;
Greathouse, his claim to remembrance, I;
murders Logan’s kinsfolk;
Great Kanawha, battle of the, I;
fierce attack of the Indians;
the backwoodsmen five way;
they push the Indians;
Charles Lewis mortally wounded;
death of Col. Field;
Isaac Shelby in command;
steadiness of the backwoodsmen;
skill and bravery of the Indians;
Cornstalk cheers his braves;
flank movement of the Indians repulsed;
the Indians outflanked;
the Indians fall back;
end of the action;
loss of the whites exceeds that of the Indians;
a purely American victory;
results of the battle;
Isaac Shelby’s account of, Appendix;
Wm. Preston’s account of, Appendix;
Great Kanawha River, Lord Dunmore’s forces to unite at the mouth of, I;
Great Smoky Mountains, I;
Half-breeds of the Red River and the Saskatchewan, I;
Hambright wounded at King’s Mountain, II;
Hamilton, Henry, summons a council of the tribes at Detroit, II;
his character;
Lieutenant-Governor of the Northwest;
the mainspring of hostility to the Americans;
nicknamed the “hair-buyer” general;
organizes a troop of rangers;
tries to ransom Boon;
plans an attack on Fort Pitt;
marches to reconquer Illinois;
muster of his forces;
starts against Vincennes;
difficulties of the route;
captures Vincennes;
measures to secure his conquest;
goes into winter quarters;
plans a great campaign;
surrenders Vincennes to Clark;
sent a prisoner to Virginia;
hatred towards, of the backwoodsmen;
Hammond, Colonel, rallies the troops at the capture of Eseneka, I;
crosses the Kiowee;
saves the troops a second time from disaster;
Hampton, Lieutenant, gallantly seconds Hammond’s efforts, I;
Harlan, with the Harrodsburg men at the battle of the Blue Licks, II;
leads the advance guard; his death;
Harrod, James, hunts in Tennessee, I;
with Saowdowski founds Harrodsburg;
leads a band to Kentucky;
his memory revered by the old settlers;
Harrodsburg, settlement of, I;