The Winning of the West, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about The Winning of the West, Volume 1.

The Winning of the West, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about The Winning of the West, Volume 1.

The first step taken by the Watauga settlers,[24] when they had determined to organize, was to meet in general convention, holding a kind of folk-thing, akin to the New England town-meeting.  They then elected a representative assembly, a small parliament or “witanagemot,” which met at Robertson’s station.  Apparently the freemen of each little fort or palisaded village, each blockhouse that was the centre of a group of detached cabins and clearings, sent a member to this first frontier legislature.[25] It consisted of thirteen representatives, who proceeded to elect from their number five—­among them Sevier and Robertson—­to form a committee or court, which should carry on the actual business of government, and should exercise both judicial and executive functions.  This court had a clerk and a sheriff, or executive officer, who respectively recorded and enforced their decrees.  The five members of this court, who are sometimes referred to as arbitrators, and sometimes as commissioners, had entire control of all matters affecting the common weal; and all affairs in controversy were settled by the decision of a majority.  They elected one of their number as chairman, he being also ex-officio chairman of the committee of thirteen; and all their proceedings were noted for the prudence and moderation with which they behaved in their somewhat anomalous position.  They were careful to avoid embroiling themselves with the neighboring colonial legislatures; and in dealing with non-residents they made them give bonds to abide by their decision, thus avoiding any necessity of proceeding against their persons.  On behalf of the community itself, they were not only permitted to control its internal affairs, but also to secure lands by making treaties with a foreign power, the Indians; a distinct exercise of the right of sovereignty.  They heard and adjudicated all cases of difference between the settlers themselves; and took measures for the common safety.  In fact the dwellers, in this little outlying frontier commonwealth, exercised the rights of full statehood for a number of years; establishing in true American style a purely democratic government with representative institutions, in which, under certain restrictions, the will of the majority was supreme, while, nevertheless, the largest individual freedom, and the utmost liberty of individual initiative were retained.  The framers showed the American predilection for a written constitution or civil compact; and, what was more important, they also showed the common-sense American spirit that led them to adopt the scheme of government which should in the simplest way best serve their needs, without bothering their heads over mere high-sounding abstractions.[26]

Project Gutenberg
The Winning of the West, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.