“Exhausted by hunger
we came to a fig-tree,
And found it full of grubs,
O Karam Gosain, how far off
are you?”
Then they came to a mango tree and the same thing happened. And they went on and saw a cow with a calf; and they thought that they would milk the cow and drink the milk, but when they went to catch it it ran away from them and would not let itself be caught; and they sang:—
“We go to catch the
cow and it runs away,
We go to catch the calf and
it runs away,
O Karam Gosain how far off
are you?”
But the cow said to them—“Go to the banks of the Ganges.” Then they came to a buffalo and went to milk it, but it lowered its head and charged them; and Dharam cried but his wife said “Don’t cry” and sang:—
“If you go to catch
the buffalo, Dharmu,
It will kill you.
How shall we drink milk?
How shall we drink milk?
How far off are you, O our
Karam Gosain?”
And the buffalo said “Go on to the bank of the Ganges.” Then they came to a horse and they thought that they would catch it and mount it, but it kicked and snorted; and they sang:—
“Dharmu tries to catch
the horse:
But it kicks and runs away.
How shall we reach the Ganges?
O Karam Gosain, how far off
are you?”
And the horse said “Go to the banks of the Ganges.” Then they saw an elephant but it would not let them approach, so they decided to push on straight for the river; and they saw under a banyan tree a large pot full of rupees, but they were so disheartened that they made no attempt to touch it; then they met a woman who asked where they were going and when she heard, she said “For twelve years I have had a pai measure stuck on my throat; ask Karam Gosain for me how I am to get rid of it,” and they promised; and going on they met a woman with a bundle of thatching grass stuck to her head; and she made them promise to ask Karam Gosain how she could be freed; then they met a woman with both her feet burning in a fire and another with a stool stuck fast to her back and they promised to enquire how these might be delivered.