Buchanan, J.: History, Manners, and Customs of North American Indians.
Buchner: Reise durch den Stillen Ocean.
Buckley, Wm.: (See John Morgan.)
Bulmer, in Brough Smyth
Burchell, W.J.: Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa.
Burckhardt, J.L.:
Bedouins and Wahabys.
Reise in Nubien.
Bureau Ethnology Reports, Washington.
Burton, R.F.:
Two Trips to Gorilla
City of the Saints.
First Footsteps in Africa.
Highlands of Brazil.
Lake Regions of Central
Wit and Wisdom from
West Africa.
Burton, Robert: Anatomy of Melancholy.
Caillie, R.: Travels Through Central Africa.
Callaway: Nursery Tales of the Zulus.
Cameron, V.L.: Across Africa.
Campbell, J.: Wild Tribes of Khondistan.
Carver, J.: Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America.
Catlin, G.: Manners, Customs and Condition of North American Indians.
Chamberlain, B.H.: Things Japanese.
Chapman, J.: Travels in the Interior of South Africa.
Charlevoix, P.: A Voyage to North America. London, 1761.
Chavanne, J.: Die Sahara.
Cheever, H.T.: Life in the Sandwich Islands.
Christ, W.: Griechische Literaturgeschichte.
Churchill, Randolph: Men, Mines and Minerals in South Africa.
Cieza, P. de: Coronica del Peru.
Codrington, R.H.: The Melanesians.
Colenso, Miss: Humanitarian.
Columbus, C.: Hakluyt Soc. Publ., 1847.
Combes et Tamisier: Voyage en Abyssinie.
Compiegne: L’Afrique equatoriale Gabonais.
Cook, James: Voyages, London.
Couat: La poesie Alexandrine.
Cozzens, S.W.: The Marvellous Country.
Cranz, D.: History of Greenland.
Crawley: Journ. Anthr. Inst. XXIV.
Cremorny, J.: Life Among the Apaches.
Cudraka, Vasantasena
Cunow: Verwandschaftsorganisationen der Australneger.
Curr, E.M.: The Australian Race.
Custer, G.A.: My Life on the Plains. N.Y., 1874.
Dall, W.H.: Alaska and its Resources.
Dalton, E.T.: Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal.
Dalton, G.: History of British Guiana.
Danks, B.: Journ. Anthrop. Institute.
Darwin, C.:
Descent of Man.
Expression of the Emotions.
Voyage of the Beagle.
Dawson, J.: Australian Aborigines.
Dibble: History of the Sandwich Islands.
Dobrizhoffer, M.: An Account of the Abipones.
Dodge, R.I.: Our Wild Indians.
Dorsey, A.O.: Omaha Sociology, Rep. Bureau
Ethnol. Washington,