The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry.

The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry.

Udho, who earlier in the story has acted as Krishna’s envoy to the cowgirls quickly realizes that the end is near and approaches Krishna for advice.  ’Tell me, O Lord, what it is proper I should do.  For it is clear that shortly you will destroy the Yadavas.’  Krishna then tells him to go to a shrine high up in the mountains and by meditating on Krishna obtain release.  He adds minute instructions on the technique of penance and ends with some definitions of the yoga of devotion.  He concludes by telling Udho that when all the Yadavas have perished, he himself will go to heaven and Dwarka will be swallowed by the ocean.  Udho bows low and leaves for the mountains.

Krishna now assembles the leading Yadavas and leaving behind only the elders, the women and children, escorts them to Prabhasa, a town inland, assuring them that by proper worship they may yet avert their fate.  At Prabhasa the Yadavas bathe and purify themselves, anoint the gods’ statues and make offerings.  They appease the Brahmans with costly gifts—­’thereby countering evil omens, gaining the road to happiness and ensuring rebirth at a higher level.’

Their worship however, is of no avail for almost immediately they fall to drinking.  ’As they drank, the destructive flame of dissension was kindled amongst them by mutual collision, and fed with the fuel of abuse.  Infuriated by the divine influence, they fell upon one another with missile weapons and when these were expended, they had recourse to the rushes growing high.  The rushes in their hands became like thunderbolts and they struck one another with them fatal blows.  Krishna interposed to prevent them but they thought that he was taking part with each severally, and continued the conflict.  Krishna then, enraged, took up a handful of rushes to destroy them, and the rushes became a club of iron and with this he slew many of the murderous Yadavas; whilst others, fighting fiercely, put an end to one another.  In a short time, there was not a single Yadava left alive, except the mighty Krishna and Daruka, his charioteer.’[43]

With the slaughter thus completed, Krishna feels free to leave the earth.  Such Yadavas who have been left behind in Dwarka have been spared, but the greater part of the race is dead.  He therefore makes ready for his own departure.  Balarama, who has helped Krishna in the brawl, goes to the sea-shore, performs yoga and, leaving his body, joins the Supreme Spirit.  Sesha, the white serpent of eternity, issues from his mouth and hymned by snakes and other serpents proceeds to the ocean.  ’Bringing an offering of respect, Ocean came to meet him; and then the majestic being, adored by attendant snakes entered into the waters of the deep.’[44]

Project Gutenberg
The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.