The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry.

The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry.

All these incidents provide a clue to Krishna’s nature.  They illustrate his attitudes, confirm him in his role as protector and preserver and show him in a new light—­that of a guardian and upholder of morality.  He is still a fervent lover, but his love is sanctioned and formalized by legal marriage.  Moreover, a new respect characterizes his dealings with Brahmans and his approach to festivals.  Instead of the young revolutionary, we now meet a sage conservative.  These changes colour his final career.

As life at Dwarka runs its course, Krishna’s activities centre more and more on wars with demons and his relations with the Pandavas.  Despite his prowess and renown, demons trouble the Yadavas from time to time, but all are killed either by Krishna wielding a magic quoit or by Balarama plying his plough or pestle.  On one occasion, a monkey demon runs amok, harassing the people and ravaging the country.  He surprises Balarama bathing in a tank with his wives, despoils their clothes and defiles their pitchers.  A great combat then ensues, the monkey hurling trees and hills while Balarama counters with his plough and pestle.  But the outcome is hardly in doubt and at last the monkey is killed.

On another occasion, Krishna is compelled to intervene in force.  Following his marriage with his first queen, Rukmini, a son, Pradyumna has been born.  He is no less a person than Kama, the god of love, whom Siva has burnt for disturbing his meditations.  When grown up, Pradyumna is married to a cousin, the daughter of his uncle, Rukma.  Rukma has never forgiven Krishna for abducting and marrying his sister, Rukmini, and despite their intimate alliance is sworn to kill him.  His plot is discovered and in a final contest, Balarama kills him.  Meanwhile, Pradyumna has had a son, Aniruddha, who grows up into a charming youth, while at the same time Vanasura, a demon with a thousand arms, has a lovely daughter, Usa.  When Usa is twelve years old, she longs for a husband and in a dream sees and embraces Aniruddha.  She does not know who he is, but describes him to a confidante.  The latter draws pictures of all the leading royalty, and among the Yadavas, Usa recognizes her love, Aniruddha.  The confidante agrees to bring him to her and going through the air to Dwarka, finds him sleeping, dreaming of Usa.  She transports him to Usa’s palace and on waking.  Aniruddha finds himself alone with his love.  Usa conceals him, but the news reaches her father and he surrounds the palace with his demon army.  Aniruddha routs the army but is caught by Vanasura, who then imprisons the two young lovers.  News now reaches Krishna who rushes an army to the scene.  A battle ensues during which Vanasura loses all his arms save four.  He then worships Krishna, and Aniruddha and Usa are married.

Project Gutenberg
The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.