The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry.

The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry.

This dismissal reveals how final is Krishna’s severance from his former life, yet provided the cowherds are not involved, he is quick to honour earlier relationships.  One day in Dwarka his mother, Devaki, tells him that she has a private grief—­grief at the loss of the six elder brothers of Krishna slain by the tyrant Kansa.  Krishna tells her not to mourn, descends to the third of the three worlds, interviews its ruler, Raja Bali, and effects the release of the six brothers.  Returning with them, he gives them to his mother and her joy is great.

On another occasion he is visited by Sudama, a Brahman who had lived with him, when, after slaying the tyrant, he and Balarama had gone for instruction to their spiritual preceptor.  Since then Sudama has grown thin and poor.  The thatch on his hut has tumbled down.  He has nothing to eat.  His wife is alarmed at their abject state and advises him to seek out Krishna, his chief friend.  ‘If you go to him,’ she says, ’our poverty will end because it is he who grants wealth and virtue, fulfils desires and bestows final happiness.’  Sudama replies that even Krishna does not give anyone anything without that person giving him something first.  As he has not given, how can he hope to receive?  His wife then ties up a little rice in an old white cloth and gives it to Sudama as a present to Krishna.  Sudama sets out.  On reaching Dwarka, he is admitted to Krishna’s presence, is immediately recognized and is treated with the utmost kindness and respect.  Krishna himself washes his feet and reveres him as a Brahman.[40] ‘Brother,’ he says, ’from the time you quitted our preceptor’s house, I have heard nothing of you.  Your coming has purified my house and made me happy.’  Krishna then notices the rice and laughingly asks Sudama what present his wife has sent him and why it is hidden under his arm.  Sudama is greatly abashed but allows Krishna to take the bundle.  On taking it, Krishna eats the rice.  He then conducts Sudama within, feasts him on delicacies and puts him to bed.  During the night he sends Visvakarma, the divine architect, to Sudama’s home, with instructions to turn it into a palace.  The next morning Sudama takes leave of Krishna, congratulating himself on not having asked Krishna for anything.  As he nears home, he is dismayed to find no trace of his hut, but instead a golden palace.  He approaches the gate-keeper and is told it belongs to Sudama, the friend of Krishna.  His wife comes out and he finds her dressed in fine clothes and jewels and attended by maid-servants.  She takes him in and at first he is abashed at so much wealth.  Krishna, he reflects, can only have given it to him because he doubted his affection.  He did not ask Krishna for wealth and cannot fathom why he has been given it.  His wife assures him that Krishna knows the thoughts of everyone.  Sudama did not ask for wealth, but she herself desired it and that is why Krishna has given it to them.  Sudama is convinced and says no more.

Project Gutenberg
The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.