Religion in Earnest eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Religion in Earnest.

Religion in Earnest eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Religion in Earnest.

[The following lines, written after reading a piece in favour of snuff and tobacco, will be edifying to smokers.]

  While some prefer the quid, and some the smell;
  There are who think that smoke doth both excel,
  I smile to see these votaries so misled,
  And think their several tastes are idly bred. 
  Perchance one, here and there, may virtue find,
  In ‘bacco’ fumes, when much perplexed with wind. 
  But sure, the human frame, frail as it is,
  Is not so subject to the qualms as this;
  Three times a day to need the burning herb,
  To cure the evils which so much disturb. 
    ’Tis since the fall, an idol demon tries,
  By sophisms deep, to close the wise man’s eyes. 
  While musing on the sacred word, they plead
  The blessing of the mind composing weed;
  Thus join their idol with Divinity,
  Whose mandate is, “No other God but Me.” 
    But hear them plead their failing cause again;
  “It recreates the powers to work amain,
  Dispels the phlegm, which on the stomach lay,
  And fits us for the labours of the day.” 
  But will not prayer, and reading recreate,
  Much more than smoking thus in idle state? 
  And exercise effect more lasting good,
  If they complain of undigested food I
    O be resolved, ye smoking sinners, do
  Forsake your idol, and your God pursue: 
  Deny yourselves, and nobly bear the cross,
  Esteeming all for Christ but dung and dross.

“At the Prayer-meeting Mr. Spence gave a short address on the subject of entire sanctification:  my faith was so much encouraged, I could scarcely refrain from speaking aloud; and while on my knees I exclaimed, many times, before the Lord, ‘I will believe’ On my way home the words were applied, ’Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you’—­At the Acomb lovefeast, I confessed that I could now give God all my heart.  I did not feel any doubt in so doing, although the enemy suggested, ‘you are deceived’ Lord, if I am deceived, speak for Thyself; for I am determined to be Thine.  Here, in Thy presence, I humbly beseech Thee to set the seal upon Thy own work.  I dare believe.  Let the transaction be ratified in heaven.  I am set apart for Thee.

“Newton.  Having a little time to wait for the coach, I sauntered into the churchyard.  The solemnity of the place suggested the following lines, while I stood and pondered.”

  Still solitary place!  Here silence reigns;
  Here griefs are hushed; none ever here complains. 
  Here no ambition agitates mankind,
  Within the limits of a vault confined,
  Around the whisp’ring breeze, impressive, steals,
  And on my listening soul instruction seals. 
  The solemn truth sinks deep within my breast;
  I, mortal now, immortal soon, shall rest. 
  Ended my journey, with its hopes and fears,
  My deep solicitudes, and silent tears. 
  Under some neighbouring sod, my bones

Project Gutenberg
Religion in Earnest from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.