VI’SION, s. sight; the faculty of seeing;
the act of seeing; a
supernatural appearance; a
spectre; a phantom; a dream; something
shown in a dream
VI’SUAL, a. using the power of sight
VI’TIATE, v.a. deprave; spoil; make less pure
VOLCA’NO, s. a burning mountain
VO’TARY, s. one devoted, as by a vow,
to any particular service,
worship, study, or state of
VU’LTURE, s. a large bird of prey
WA’NTONLY, ad. sportively; carelessly
WEA’PON, s. an instrument of offence;
something with which one is
armed to hurt another
WI’LDERNESS, s. a desert
WI’STFUL, a. attentive; earnest; full of thought
WO’NDERFUL, a. admirable; strange; astonishing
WO’RSHIP, v.a. adore; honour; venerate
ZEST, s. relish
ZOOLO’GICAL, a. that which relates to animals