U’SHER, s. an under-teacher; one whose
business it is to introduce
strangers, or walk before
a person of high rank
UTE’NSIL, s. an instrument for any use,
such as the vessels of the
kitchen, or tools of a trade
VALE’RIAN, s. a plant
VA’LLEY, s. low ground; a hollow between two hills
VA’LUABLE, a. precious; worthy
VA’LUE, s. price; worth; rate
VAN, s. the front of an army; the first line
VANI’LLA, s. a plant, the fruit of which is used to scent chocolate
VA’NISH, v.n. lose perceptible existence;
disappear; be lost; pass
VA’RIANCE, s. discord; disagreement
VA’RIEGATE, v.a. diversify; stain with different colours
VA’RIOUS, a. different; several; diversified
VA’RY, v.a. change; change to something else
VA’TICAN, s. the palace of the Pope at Rome
VEGETA’TION, s. the power of producing the growth of plants
VEGETA’TIVE, a. having the power to produce growth in plants
VE’HICLE, s. a conveyance
VE’NERABLE, a. old; to be treated with reverence
VE’NISON, s. game; the flesh of deer
VENTILA’TION, s. the act of fanning
VENTILA’TOR, s. an instrument contrived
to supply close places with
fresh air
VE’NTURE, v.n. dare; run hazard; engage in
VE’RIFY, v.n. justify against the charge
of falsehood; confirm; to
prove true
VE’RILY, ad. in truth; certainly
VE’SSEL, s. any capacity; anything containing;
the containing parts of
an animal body
VESU’VIUS, s. a burning mountain near Naples
VICI’NITY, s. nearness; state of being near
VICI’SSITUDE, s. regular change; revolution
VI’CTIM, s. sacrifice; something destroyed
VI’CTORY, s. conquest; triumph
VI’GIL, s. watch; a fast kept before a holiday
VI’GOROUS, a. full of strength and life
VI’GOROUSLY, ad. energetically; forcibly; with force; without weakness
VI’LLAGE, s. a small collection of houses
VI’NDICATE, v.a. justify; clear; assert; revenge
VI’NTAGE, s. the produce of the vine
for the year; the time in which
grapes are gathered
VI’OLATION, s. infringement of a law
VI’OLENT, a. forcible; unseasonably vehement
VI’PER, s. a serpent; anything mischievous
VI’PERINE, a. belonging to a viper
VI’RULENT, a. poisonous; venomous; poisoned in the mind; malignant
VI’SIBLE, a. perceptible by the eye; apparent