TRO’UBLE, v.n. disturb; afflict; tease; disorder
TRU’NCATE, v.a. maim; cut short
TRU’NNIONS, s. the knobs or bunchings
of a gun, that bear it on the
checks of a carriage
TUBE, s. a pipe; a long hollow body
TU’BULAR, a. resembling a pipe or trunk
TUMU’LTUOUS, a. uproarious; noisy
TU’NIC, s. part of the Roman dress, natural covering; tunicle
TU’NNEL, s. funnel; shaft of a chimney; passage underground
TU’RBAN, s. the covering worn by the Turks on their heads
TU’RPITUDE, s. shamefulness; baseness
TY’RANNY, s. severity; rigour
TY’RANT, s. an absolute monarch governing
imperiously; a cruel and
severe master; an oppressor
U’LTIMATE, a. intended as the last resort
UNABA’TED, part. not lessened in force or intensity
UNACCOU’NTABLE, a. not explicable; not
to be solved by reason; not
UNA’LTERABLE, a. unchangeable; immutable
UNAPRROA’CHED, a. inaccessible
UNAWA’RE, ad. unexpectedly; without thought
UNCE’RTAINTY, s. want of certainty; inaccuracy
UNCHA’NGEABLE, a. not subject to variation
UNCO’MFORTABLE, a. affording no comfort; gloomy
UNCU’LTIVATED, a. not instructed; uncivilised
UNDAU’NTED, a. unsubdued by fear; not depressed
UNDERGO’, v.a. suffer; sustain; support
UNDERMI’NE, v.a. to excavate under
UNDIMI’NISHED, a. not to be lessened; incapable of being lessened
UNDISCO’VERED, a. not seen; not found out
UNDISTI’NGUISHABLE, a. not to be distinguished
UNFO’RTUNATE, a. unsuccessful; unprosperous
U’NIFORM, a. conforming to one rule; similar to itself
UNIFO’RMITY, s. conforming to one pattern
UNINHA’BITABLE, a. unfit to be inhabited
UNINI’TIATED, part. ignorant of; not conversant with
UNIVE’RSAL, s. the whole
U’NIVERSE, s. the general system of things
UNJU’STIFIABLE, a. not to be defended
UNMO’ULTED, part. unchanged in feather
UNPA’LATEABLE, a. nauseous, disgusting
UNRETA’LIATED, part. unreturned, applied to injuries
UNSA’Y, v.a. retract; deny what has been said
UNSUCCE’SSFUL, a. not having the wished event
UNSWA’THE, v.a. unbandage
UNVI’TIATED, part. pure; not defiled
UNWIE’LDY, a. unmanageable; not easily moving, or moved
URGE, v.a. press; incite; provoke; solicit