TI’MOROUS, a. fearful; terrified; susceptible
of fear; capable of
being frightened
TI’TLE, s. a general head comprising
particulars; an appellation of
honour; claim of right; the
first page of a book, telling its name,
and generally its subject
TO’CSIN, s. an alarm-bell
TO’RPID, a. motionless; sluggish
TO’RTURE, s. torments judicially inflicted;
pain by which guilt is
punished, or confession extorted
TO’RTURE, v.a. punish with tortures; torment
TOUR, s. (pronounced toor) a journey for pleasure
TOU’RIST, s. one who travels for pleasure
TO’WARD, prep. in a direction to; near to
TOW’ER, s. high building; fortress; an elevation
TRADI’TIONAL, a. delivered by tradition
TRA’GEDY, s. any mournful or dreadful event
TRA’GIC, a. mournful, calamitous
TRA’GI-CO’MEDY, s. a drama compounded of merry and serious things
TRAIN, v.a. draw along; entice; educate
TRA’NQUIL, a. quiet; peaceful
TRANQUI’LLITY, a. quietness; peace; freedom from trouble or annoyance
TRANSA’CT, v.a. manage; negotiate; perform
TRANSA’CTION, s. negotiation; management
TRA’NSIENT, a. short; momentary
TRANSI’TION, s. removal; passage from one to another; change
TRANSMI’T, v.a. send from one place to another
TRANSPA’RENT, a. clear; translucent
TRA’VEL, s. journey; labour; toil
TRA’VEL, v.n. make travels; move; go
TRA’VERSE, v.a. to cross; to lay athwart;
to cross by way of
opposition; to wander over
TREA’CHEROUS, a. faithless; guilty of deserting or betraying
TREA’CHERY, s. perfidy; breach of faith
TREA’SURER, s. one who has the care of
money; one who has the charge
of treasure
TRE’LLIS, s. a structure of iron, wood,
or osier, the parts crossing
each other like a lattice
TREME’NDOUS, a. dreadful; horrible
TRE’MOUR, s. the state of trembling or quivering
TRE’MULOUS, a. trembling; fearful; quivering
TREPIDA’TION, s. fear; terror; hurry; confused haste; terrified flight
TRI’ANGLE, s. a figure of three angles
TRIBU’NAL, s. the seat of a judge; a court of justice
TRI’BUTE, s. payment in acknowledgment; subjection
TRI’PLE, a. threefold; treble
TRI’UMPH, s. victory; conquest
TRIU’MPHANT, a. victorious; celebrating a victory
TRO’PHY, s. something shown or treasured up in proof of victory