The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

TI’MOROUS, a. fearful; terrified; susceptible of fear; capable of
    being frightened

TI’TLE, s. a general head comprising particulars; an appellation of
    honour; claim of right; the first page of a book, telling its name,
    and generally its subject

TO’CSIN, s. an alarm-bell

TO’RPID, a. motionless; sluggish

TO’RTURE, s. torments judicially inflicted; pain by which guilt is
    punished, or confession extorted

TO’RTURE, v.a. punish with tortures; torment

TOUR, s. (pronounced toor) a journey for pleasure

TOU’RIST, s. one who travels for pleasure

TO’WARD, prep. in a direction to; near to

TOW’ER, s. high building; fortress; an elevation

TRADI’TIONAL, a. delivered by tradition

TRA’GEDY, s. any mournful or dreadful event

TRA’GIC, a. mournful, calamitous

    TRA’GI-CO’MEDY, s. a drama compounded of merry and serious things

TRAIN, v.a. draw along; entice; educate

TRA’NQUIL, a. quiet; peaceful

TRANQUI’LLITY, a. quietness; peace; freedom from trouble or annoyance

TRANSA’CT, v.a. manage; negotiate; perform

TRANSA’CTION, s. negotiation; management

TRA’NSIENT, a. short; momentary

TRANSI’TION, s. removal; passage from one to another; change

TRANSMI’T, v.a. send from one place to another

TRANSPA’RENT, a. clear; translucent

TRA’VEL, s. journey; labour; toil

TRA’VEL, v.n. make travels; move; go

TRA’VERSE, v.a. to cross; to lay athwart; to cross by way of
    opposition; to wander over

TREA’CHEROUS, a. faithless; guilty of deserting or betraying

TREA’CHERY, s. perfidy; breach of faith

TREA’SURER, s. one who has the care of money; one who has the charge
    of treasure

TRE’LLIS, s. a structure of iron, wood, or osier, the parts crossing
    each other like a lattice

TREME’NDOUS, a. dreadful; horrible

TRE’MOUR, s. the state of trembling or quivering

TRE’MULOUS, a. trembling; fearful; quivering

TREPIDA’TION, s. fear; terror; hurry; confused haste; terrified flight

TRI’ANGLE, s. a figure of three angles

TRIBU’NAL, s. the seat of a judge; a court of justice

TRI’BUTE, s. payment in acknowledgment; subjection

TRI’PLE, a. threefold; treble

TRI’UMPH, s. victory; conquest

TRIU’MPHANT, a. victorious; celebrating a victory

TRO’PHY, s. something shown or treasured up in proof of victory

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.