SU’BSTANCE, s. something real, not imaginary; wealth; means of life
S’UBSTITUTE, s. one placed by another to act with delegated power
SUBTERRA’NEOUS, a. living under the earth
SUBVE’RSION, s. overthrow; ruin
SU’CCEED, v.a. follow; prosper
SUCCE’SSFUL, a. prosperous; happy; fortunate
SUCCE’SSION, s. a series of persons or
things following one another; a
SU’CCOUR, s. aid; assistance; help in distress
SU’CCULENT, a. juicy; moist
SU’DDEN, a. coming unexpectedly; hasty; violent
SU’FFER, v.a. bear; undergo; endure; permit
SUFFI’CE, v.n. be enough; be sufficient;
be equal to the end, or
SUFFI’CE, v.a. afford; supply; satisfy
SUFFI’CIENT, a. equal to any end or purpose
SU’LLY, v.a. spoil; tarnish; dirty; spot
SU’LTRY, a. hot and close
SU’MMON, v.a. call up; raise; admonish to appear
SU’MPTUOUS, a. costly; expensive; splendid
SUPE’RB, a. grand; pompous; lofty; magnificent
SUPERINCU’MBENT, a. lying on the top of something else
SUPERINDU’CE, v.a. bring in as an addition to something else
SUPERINTE’NDENCE, s. superior care; the
act of overseeing with
SUPERINTEN’DENT, s. one who overlooks others authoritatively
SUPE’RIOR, a. higher; greater in dignity
or excellence; preferable;
SUPERIO’RITY, s. pre-eminence; the quality
of being greater or higher
than another
SUPERSE’DE, v.a. make void by superior power
SUPERSTI’TIOUS, a. full of idle fancies
or scruples with regard to
SUPPLY’, v.n. fill up a deficiency; yield;
afford; accommodate;
SUPPLY’, s. relief of want; cure of deficiencies
SUPPO’RT, s. act or power of sustaining; prop
SUPPO’RT, v.a. sustain; prop; endure
SUPPO’SE, v.a. admit without proof; imagine
SU’RFACE, s. superficies; outside
S’URPLUS, s. overplus; what remains when use is satisfied
SURROU’ND, v.a. environ; encompass; enclose on all sides
SURVE’Y, v.a. view as examining; measure and estimate land; overlook
SUSCE’PTIBLE, a. capable of anything
SUSPI’CION, s. the act of suspecting;
imagination of something ill
without proof
SWA’LLOW, v.n. take down the throat; take in
SY’CAMORE, s. a tree
SY’COPHANT, s. tale-bearer
SY’MMETRY, s. adaptation of parts to each other; proportion; harmony