The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

SPA’NGLE, s. any little thing sparkling and shining

SPA’NIEL, s. a dog used for sport in the field, remarkable for
    tenacity and obedience

SPEA’KER, s. one that speaks; the prolocutor of the Commons

SPE’CIES, s. a sort; class of nature; show

SPECIMEN, s. sample; a part of any thing exhibited, that the rest may
    be known

SPE’CTACLE, s. a show; sight

SPECTA’TOR, s. a looker-on; a beholder

SPECULA’TION, s. examination by the eye; view; spy

SPHE’RICAL, a. round; globular

SPI’CULA, s. plur. little spikes

SPI’CY, a. producing spice; aromatic

SPI’DER, s. the animal that spins a web for flies

SPI’RAL, a. curved; winding; circularly involved

SPI’RIT, s. breath; soul of man; apparition; temper

SPI’RITUAL, a. that which regards divinity; that which regards the
    soul; not temporal

SPLE’NDID, a. showy; magnificent; pompous

STABI’LITY, s. steadiness; strength to stand

STA’GNANT, a. motionless; still

STA’GNATE, v.a. lie motionless; have no stream

STA’NDARD, s. an ensign in war; a settled rate

STA’RLING, s. a bird that may be taught to whistle, and articulate

STA’TESMAN, s. a politician; one employed in public affairs

STA’TION, v.a. place in a certain post or place

STA’TUE, s. an image; solid representation of any living being

STA’TURE, s. the height of any animal

STE’RIL, a. barren; unfruitful

STO’IC, s. an ancient philosopher of a particular sect, that met under
    the Stoa or portico of the temple

STO’ICAL, a. pertaining to the Stoics

STRA’TAGEM, s. an artifice in war; a trick by which some advantage is

STRU’CTURE, s. building; form

STRU’GGLE, v.n. labour; strive; contend

STU’DENT, s. a bookish man; a scholar

STUPE’NDOUS, a. wonderful; amazing; astonishing

STU’PIFY, v.a. make stupid; deprive of sensibility

    SUB-DIVI’DE, v.a. to divide a part into more parts

SUBDIVI’SION, s. the act of subdividing; the parts distinguished by a
    second division

SUBDU’E, v.a. crush; oppress; conquer; tame

SUB’JECT, s. one who lives under the dominion of another; that on
    which any operation is performed

SUBME’RGE, v.a. to put under water; to drown

SUBMI’SSIVE, a. humble

SU’BSEQUENT, a. following in train

SUBSI’STENCE, s. competence; means of supporting life; inherence in
    something else

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.