OVERTHRO’W, v.a. turn upside down; throw down; ruin; defeat; destroy
OVERWHE’LM, v.a. crush underneath something
violent and weighty;
overlook gloomily
PACI’FIC, a. mild; gentle; appeasing
PA’LACE, a. a royal house
PA’LTRY, a. worthless; contemptible; mean
PA’RADISE, s. the blissful region in
which the first pair were placed;
any place of felicity
PA’RALLEL, a. extending in the same direction;
having the same
PARALLE’LOGRAM, s. in geometry, a right-lined
four-sided figure, whose
opposite sides are parallel
and equal
PA’RAPET, s. a wall breast high
PA’RCEL, s. a small bundle; a part of a whole
PA’RDON, s. forgiveness
PARO’CHIAL, a. belonging to a parish
PARO’TIDA-SA’LIVART, a. glands so named because near the ear
PA’RTICLE, s. any small quantity of a
greater substance; a word
unvaried by inflection
PARTICULAR, s. a single instance; a minute
detail of things singly
enumerated. IN PARTICULAR,
peculiarly; distinctly
PARTICULARLY, ad. in an extraordinary degree; distinctly
PA’SSAGE, s. act of passing; road; way;
entrance or exit; part of a
PA’SSENGER, s. traveller; a wayfarer;
one who hires in any vehicle the
liberty of travelling
PA’SSIONATE, a. moved by passion; easily moved to anger
PA’SSIVE, a. unresisting; suffering; not acting
PA’STORAL, a. rural; rustic; imitating shepherds
PATHE’TIC, a. affecting the passions; moving
PA’THOS, s. passion; warmth; affection of the mind
PA’THWAY, s. a road; a narrow way to be passed on foot.
PA’TIENCE, s. the power of suffering; perseverance
PA’TIENTLY, ad. with steadfast resignation; with hopeful confidence
PA’TRIARCH, a. one who governs by paternal
right; the father and ruler
of a family
PA’THIMONY, s. an estate possessed by inheritance
PA’TRIOT, s. one who loves his country
PA’TRON, s. one who countenances, supports, or protects; defender
PEA’CEABLE, a. not quarrelsome; not turbulent
PE’CTORAL, a. belonging to the breast
PECU’LIAR, a. appropriate; not common to other things; particular
PECULIARITY, s. particularity; something found only in one
PE’DESTAL, a. the lower member of a pillar; the basis of a statue
PE’DIMENT, s. an ornament that finishes
the fronts of buildings, and
serves as a decoration over