O’FFICE, s. a public charge or employment; agency; business
OLFA’CTORY, a. having the sense of smelling
O’LIVE, s. a plant producing oil; the
fruit of the tree; the emblem of
O’MINOUS, a. exhibiting bad tokens of futurity
OMI’SSION, s. neglect of duty; neglect to do something
OMNI’POTENT, s. the Almighty
OMNIPRE’SENCE, s. unbounded presence
OMNI’SCIENCE, s. boundless knowledge; infinite wisdom
O’NSET, s. attack; storm; assault
O’PAL, s. a precious stone
O’PALINE, a. resembling opal
OPPORTU’NITY, s. convenience; suitableness of circumstances to any end
OPPRE’SS, v.a. crush by hardship or unreasonable
severity; overpower;
OPPRE’SSOR, s. one who harasses others
with unreasonable or unjust
O’PTICAL, a. relating to the science of optics
O’PTICS, s. the science of the nature and laws of vision
O’PULENT, a. rich
O’RACLE, s. something delivered by supernatural
wisdom; the place
where, or persons of whom,
the determinations of heaven are inquired
O’RAL, a. delivered by mouth; not written
O’RATOR, s. a public speaker; a man of eloquence
O’RBIT, s. a circle; path of a heavenly body
O’RCHARD, s. a garden of fruit trees
O’RCHIS, s. a kind of flowering plant
O’RDER, s. method; regularity; command; a rank or class; rule
O’RDINANCE, s. law; rule; appointment
O’RDINARY, a. established; regular; common; of low rank
O’RDNANCE, s. cannon; great guns
O’RGAN, s. natural instrument: as
the tongue is the organ of speech. A
musical instrument
ORGA’NIC, a. consisting of various parts co-operating with each other
O’RGANISM, s. organic structure
O’RIENT, a. eastern; oriental; bright; gaudy
ORI’GINAL, a. primitive; first
O’RNAMENT, v.a. embellish; decorate
OSCILLA’TION, a. the act of moving backward or forward like a pendulum
O’SSEOUS, a. bony; resembling bone
OSTENTA’TION, s. outward show; pride of riches or power
OSTRICH, s. a large bird
OTHERWISE, ad. in a different manner; by other
causes; in other
OU’TLET, s. passage outward
OU’TSET, s. setting out; departure
OU’TWARD, a. external; opposed to inward.
OVERFLO’W, v.a. deluge; drown; overrun; fill beyond the brim
OVERTA’KE, v.a. catch anything by pursuit;
come up to something going