NA’TIVE, a. original; natural
NA’TIVE, s. one born in any place
NA’TURAL, a. produced or effected by nature; not forced; tender
NA’TURALIST, s. one who studies nature,
more especially as regards
inferior animals, plants,
NA’TURE, s. constitution of an animated
body; regular course of
things; disposition of mind;
native state or properties of anything;
sort; species
NAU’TICAL, a. that which relates to a sailor
NA’VIGABLE, a. capable of being passed by ships or boats
NAVIGA’TOR, s. a sailor; seaman
NE’CESSARY, a. needful
NECE’SSITY, s. compulsion; want; need; poverty
NEGO’TIATION, s. treaty of business
NEI’GHBOURHOOD, s. vicinity; place adjoining
NE’ITHER, pron. not either; nor one nor other
NICHE, s. a hollow hi which a statue may be placed
NIDIFICA’TION, s. the act of building nests
NI’MBLY, ad. quickly; speedily; actively
NI’TROUS, a. impregnated with nitre
NOBI’LITY, s. high-mindedness; the highest
class of people in
civilized life
NO’BLE, a. magnificent; great; illustrious
NO’TICE, s. remark; heed; regard; information
NOTWITHSTA’NDING, conj. although; nevertheless
NO’XIOUS, a. hurtful; harmful; baneful; guilty
NU’MBER, s. many; more than one.
NU’MBERLESS, a. more than can be reckoned
NU’MEROUS, a. containing many; consisting of many
NU’TRIMENT, s. food
OBE’DIENCE, s. submission to authority
OBE’ISANCE, s. courtesy
O’BJECT, s. that about which any power or faculty is employed
OBJE’CTION, s. adverse argument; criminal
charge; fault found; the act
of opposing anything
OBLI’QUE, a. not direct; not parallel; not perpendicular
OBLI’VION, s. forgetfulness
OBNO’XIOUS, a. hateful; hurtful; injurious
OBSERVA’TION, s. the act of observing,
noticing, or remarking; note;
OBSE’RVE, v.a. watch; regard attentively note; obey; follow
O’BSTINACY, s. stubbornness
OBSTRU’CT, v.a. block up; oppose; hinder
OCCA’SION, s. occurrence; casualty; incident; opportunity; convenience
OCCA’SION, v.a. cause; produce; influence
O’CCUPY, v.a. possess; keep; take up; employ; use
OFFE’NSIVE, a. displeasing; disgusting; injurious
O’FFER, v.a. present itself; be at hand; be present
O’FFER, v.a. propose; present; sacrifice