JE’WEL, s. a precious stone; a teem
JO’CUND, a. merry; gay; lively
JO’URNEY, s. the travel of a day; passage from place to place
JO’YOUS, a. glad; gay; merry; giving joy
JUDI’CIOUS, a. prudent; wise; skilful
JU’GGLER, s. one who practises sleight of hand
JU’NCTION, s. union; coalition
JU’STIFY, v.a. clear from imputed guilt; maintain
KANGARO’O, s. an animal found in Australia
KE’RNEL, s. anything included in a husk; the seeds of pulpy fruits
KI’NGDOM, s. the territories subject
to a monarch; a different class
or order of beings, as the
mineral kingdom; a region
KNI’GHTHOOD, s. the character or dignity of a knight
KNO’WLEDGE, s. information
KNU’CKLE, s. joints of the fingers, protuberant when the fingers close
LABU’RNUM, s. a kind of tree
LA’MENTABLE, a. deplorable
LAMENTA’TION, s. expression of sorrow; audible grief
LA’NCEOLATE, a. in a lance-like form
LA’NDSCAPE, s. the prospect of a country;
a picture of the prospect of
a country
LA’NGUAGE, s. human speech; style; manner of expression
LA’NGUOR, s. faintness; softness; inattention
LA’RVA, s. an insect in the caterpillar state
LA’TENT, a. concealed; invisible
LA’TERALLY, ad. by the side
LA’TITUDE, s. latent diffusion; a certain
degree reckoned from the
LA’TTER, a. lately done or past; mentioned last of two
LA’VA, s. molten substance projected from volcanoes
LE’AFLET, s. a small leaf
LE’GION, s. a body of Roman soldiers,
consisting of about five
thousand; military force;
a great number
LE’NITY, s. mildness; gentleness
LENS, s. a glass spherically convex on both sides
LEVA’NT, s. east, particularly those
coasts of the Mediterranean east
of Italy
LEVI’ATHAN, s. a water-animal mentioned in the Book of Job
LI’ABLE, a. subject; not exempt
LI’BERAL, a. not mean; generous; bountiful
LI’BERATE, v.a. free from confinement
LI’BERTY, s. freedom, as opposed to slavery; privilege; permission
LICE’NTIOUSNESS, s. boundless liberty; contempt of just restraint
LI’CHEN, s. moss
LIEUTE’NANT, s. a deputy; in war, one
who holds the next rank to a
superior of any denomination
LI’GHTHOUSE, s. a house built either
upon a rock or some other place
of danger, with a light, in
order to warn ships of danger