The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

JE’WEL, s. a precious stone; a teem

JO’CUND, a. merry; gay; lively

JO’URNEY, s. the travel of a day; passage from place to place

JO’YOUS, a. glad; gay; merry; giving joy

JUDI’CIOUS, a. prudent; wise; skilful

JU’GGLER, s. one who practises sleight of hand

JU’NCTION, s. union; coalition

JU’STIFY, v.a. clear from imputed guilt; maintain

KANGARO’O, s. an animal found in Australia

KE’RNEL, s. anything included in a husk; the seeds of pulpy fruits

KI’NGDOM, s. the territories subject to a monarch; a different class
    or order of beings, as the mineral kingdom; a region

KNI’GHTHOOD, s. the character or dignity of a knight

KNO’WLEDGE, s. information

KNU’CKLE, s. joints of the fingers, protuberant when the fingers close

LABU’RNUM, s. a kind of tree

LA’MENTABLE, a. deplorable

LAMENTA’TION, s. expression of sorrow; audible grief

LA’NCEOLATE, a. in a lance-like form

LA’NDSCAPE, s. the prospect of a country; a picture of the prospect of
    a country

LA’NGUAGE, s. human speech; style; manner of expression

LA’NGUOR, s. faintness; softness; inattention

LA’RVA, s. an insect in the caterpillar state

LA’TENT, a. concealed; invisible

LA’TERALLY, ad. by the side

LA’TITUDE, s. latent diffusion; a certain degree reckoned from the

LA’TTER, a. lately done or past; mentioned last of two

LA’VA, s. molten substance projected from volcanoes

LE’AFLET, s. a small leaf

LE’GION, s. a body of Roman soldiers, consisting of about five
    thousand; military force; a great number

LE’NITY, s. mildness; gentleness

LENS, s. a glass spherically convex on both sides

LEVA’NT, s. east, particularly those coasts of the Mediterranean east
    of Italy

LEVI’ATHAN, s. a water-animal mentioned in the Book of Job

LI’ABLE, a. subject; not exempt

LI’BERAL, a. not mean; generous; bountiful

LI’BERATE, v.a. free from confinement

LI’BERTY, s. freedom, as opposed to slavery; privilege; permission

LICE’NTIOUSNESS, s. boundless liberty; contempt of just restraint

LI’CHEN, s. moss

LIEUTE’NANT, s. a deputy; in war, one who holds the next rank to a
    superior of any denomination

LI’GHTHOUSE, s. a house built either upon a rock or some other place
    of danger, with a light, in order to warn ships of danger

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.