INGE’NIOUS, a. witty; inventive
INGENU’ITY, s. wit; invention; genius; subtlety
INGLO’RIOUS, a. void of honour; mean; without glory
INGRA’TITUDE, s. unthankfulness
INHA’BITANT, s. dweller; one that lives in a place
INHE’RENT, a. existing in something else,
so as to be inseparable from
it; innate
INI’MITABLE, a. not able to be imitated;
that which is incapable of
INJU’RIOUS, a. hurtful; baneful; capable
of injuring; that which
injures; destructive
INJU’STICE, s. iniquity; wrong
INNU’MEROUS, a. innumerable; too many to be counted
INQUI’SITIVE, a. curious; busy in search;
active to pry into
INSCRI’PTION, s. something written or engraved; title
I’NSECT, s. a small animal. Insects
are so called from a separation in
the middle of their bodies,
whereby they are cut into two parts,
which are joined together
by a small ligature, as we see in wasps
and common flies
INSE’NSIBLY, ad. imperceptibly; in such
a manner as is not discovered
by the senses
INSE’RT, v.a. place in or among other things
INSI’DIOUS, a. sly; diligent to entrap; treacherous
INSI’GNIA, s. ensigns; arms
INSIGNI’FICANT, a. unimportant
INSI’PID, a. tasteless; void of taste
INSIPI’DITY, s. want of taste; want of life or spirit
I’NSOLENCE, s. petulant contempt
INSPE’CT, v.a. to examine; to look over
INSPE’CTION, s. prying examination; superintendence
INSPIRA’TION, s. infusion of ideas into
the mind by divine power; the
act of drawing breath
INSTABI’LITY, s. inconstancy; fickleness
I’NSTANT, a. instant is such a
part of duration wherein we perceive
no succession; present or
current month
I’NSTANTLY, ad. immediately
I’NSTINCT, s. natural desire or aversion; natural tendency
INSTITU’TION, s. establishment; settlement; positive law
INSTRU’CT, v.a. teach; form by precept;
form authoritatively; educate;
model; form
INSTRU’CTION, s. the act of teaching; information
INSUFFI’CIENT, a. inadequate to any need, use, or purpose; unfit
INTE’GRITY, s. honesty; straightforwardness; uprightness
INTELLE’CTUAL, a. relating to the understanding;
mental; transacted by
the understanding
INTE’LLIGENCE, s. commerce of information; spirit; understanding
INTE’LLIGIBLE, a. possible to be understood
INTE’MPERANCE, s. the act of overdoing something